Pt. 9: Distaste for Natsuki

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The door to the club room was closed as well as the blind to the window was completely drawn down, the quietness in the hallway was only held at bay due to Yuri's intense breathing, the anxiety of seeing what was on the other side kept chewing away at her like a swarm of mosquitoes. Slowly Yuri raised her hand to the door knob and gently ran her fingers across the metal before turning it gently to the right, the breathing silenced as she closed her eyes and she slowly pushed outward, letting the door slide open with a metallic creak. Yuri's heavy eyelids opened slowly, the only noise she could hear was the sound of skin being smacked together and muffled moans. Before Yuri she saw Natsuki who was completely naked and laying on the teacher desk with her legs spread wide open, on top of her there was a naked person pinning her down by the wrists and kissing her as he thrusted into her crotch with his, this figures appearance was so familiar to Yuri that on-sight she fell to her knees while clenching her heart. The person fucking Natsuki was MC.

Yuri screamed in a childish plight "PLEASE STOP! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME ONLY!", hot tears running down her face as she struggled to stand up and walk over. Making it to the two both of them did not even pay mind to the heartbroken girl's voice or presence, Yuri watching in horror as the boy she called her master pleasured and fucked away at the small Natsuki, every slam inward was another moan out of her mouth that MC muffled with his lips and tongue. "G-get off of her, please!" Yuri pleaded softly, barely able to keep herself from passing out, the two still paid no mine to her causing a geyser of bitter hatred to erupt from Yuri, slowly she pulled out a pocket knife from her blazer and positioned it over her heart. Peeking up one more time at the two Yuri saw Natsuki looking at her with a sadistic smile while still taking MC's thrusts, Yuri shed a last tear and plunged the knife into her heart. Everything went white.

A scream of terror escaped Yuri's lips as she rose up from her pillow, everything was blurring around her like a kaleidoscope until each sense returned to her one-by-one. "I-it was a dream...?" Yuri whispered to herself as she turned her head to the digital bedside clock, it was Saturday and the time read eight 'o clock, the day only started and Yuri already wanted to go back to bed. To start her routine Yuri slid out if bed sluggishly and adorned herself in the usual fluffy black and purple bathrobe she wore before going to the kitchen, everything felt so off and different, like for some reason she was in a pocket dimension of dread and despair, there was only one thing Yuri could think about: cutting.

Without a thought in her mind Yuri went to the cutlery drawer and pulled out a sleek steak knife with serated bumps across the edge, slowly Yuri closed her eyes and made a quick slice across her wrist, in doing so blood ran from the opened cut down her arm and all over the steel tip. Another few sliced across her arm made a blood pool begin to accumulate at her feet, Yuri felt the blood trickle on her toes as she let out a sigh of relief, the anxiety and anguish that had been tearing at her felt like nothing but a mirage now that the dopamine has set in and she felt properly relaxed. Yuri tossed the knife into the kitchen sink while grabbing her phone from the counter and a roll of bandages, all Yuri could think about was seeing MC today.

Yuri sat down at the end of her ornate dining room table and dialed MC's number before pressing speaker, she could feel her anxiety rising again as the phone rang first ring... Second ring... Third ring..., before Yuri hung up at the fourth the voice of MC flooded through the line. Clearing her throat Yuri said softly "H-hey...", the line went silent for a few seconds before MC replied in a soft tone "Hey, Kitten. How did you sleep?". The feeling of satisfaction in knowing that she was still his pet made Yuri let out a squeal of delight, one loud enough to be heard by MC which prompted a confused "H-hello?" in response. The awkwardness that Yuri was known for was showing in her speech for the first time in months, barely able to talk and going weak Yuri did her best to speak. "W-well I-i um... Well I was going to s-say I l-love you so m-m-much master!". MC giggled at the guesture and asked sweetly "Hey, how about we go out today on a date? Just master and his kitten. How does that sound~?", the excitement and happiness almost making Yuri burst like a bomb she was able to say in an enthusiastic and shaky tone "Yes! I would love that, Master!". "Hmmmmm... It is such a nice day, how about we go to the pool together?" MC cutely asked, Yuri was not really too keen on going to do wet activities but if it meant being with master it was a definet yes, so she enthusiastically agreed to go.

After hanging up Yuri looked down at her bandaged up arms, grief filled her as she dreaded having to openly show her scars, all the rogue stares and passing comments she will receive was the scenario she couldn't stop replaying in her head like a record on loop. Breathing deeply Yuri walked to her bedroom and into the closet to find today's outfit, taking a minute to reach all the way towards the far back she found her pure black two-piece bikini she had owned but never worn.  The sight of it and the idea of all that revealed skin was enough to twist Yuri's stomach upside-down. "I will do it for Master..." Yuri sighed as she clenched it close.

DDLC: Love Cuts Deep (Yuri X MC NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now