Pt. 8: Little Pink Brat

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As the dismissal bell chimed it's metallic shriek Yuri lifted her head up from the desk, she had not even realized she fell asleep in class at all but given how her mind had been scattered since second period she couldn't deny it. With a sluggish speed Yuri silently arranged stuff into her bag trying to take as much time as possible before inevitably confronting the other girls in the literature club today, to say the least Yuri's anxiety had reached a point that now all she wanted to do was go in the bathroom, lock the stall door and slice herself up until she bled out, but Yuri know this wasn't an option as long as MC was there. MC didn't even know that the others found out and Yuri felt it would be in poor taste as a lover, a pet and a friend to leave him in the dark while she hides like a timid child from confrontational affairs, with this mindset Yuri let in a deep sigh and went out the door and towards the club room, at the same time dragging her feet and breathing heavily.

Yuri made it to the club room, the door was wide open and even from down the hall the voices of everyone, including MC was audibly present. Standing in the doorway Yuri looked around the room silently, Natsuki and Monika where crowded around MC while Sayori had yet to even be present among the group. Yuri drew in closer to hear exactly what was going on, Natsuki was talking in her usual boastful loud voice making it easy, "So are you like FUCKING Yuri?" Yuri heard Natsuki ask in a disgusted tone before joining the crowd without warning. "W-whats going on?" Yuri asked in a hostile tone, the crowd looking silently to one-another before Monika said in a sweet tone "We are just talking to your master is all!" before turning back to MC and asking excitedly "So is Yuri a moaner or a screamer when you fuck her?!". Hearing them ask all these personal questions made MC break out in a cold sweat before trying to break away from everyone, "I-i don't want to talk about sex right now... Please girls..." MC sighed as he took Yuri's hand and walked with her away from everyone to the far corner.

"Im sorry I marked you, Kitten..." MC said softly as he looked into Yuri's violet eyes, seeing the tears had begun to well up from all the tensions. Yuri grabbed MC tightly and whispered in his ear "It's fine, Master. P-please don't let me go yet... I needed a hug all day." and they stayed locked in each others arms, finally pulling away when Monika decided to make an announcement: "Ok everyone! Now that it seems everyone is here lets get to work on our activity!". The four members then proceeded to pass around poems without a word, Yuri took the one addressed to her from MC and slowly opened it, blush covered her face as her eyes skimmed the lewd, dirty love poem:


The most sensual and arousing color

The most lustfully satisfying color to match my beautiful kitten

Her arousing moans are enough to make me reach my limit as I enter your wet insides

I love you

Yuri let out a soft "D'awww!" as she read the poem, Natsuki becoming curious snatched the letter out of Yuri's soft grip and started to read ot out loud, Yuri eagerly tried to snatch it back from Natsuki who resorted to jumping over desks and running down rows while continuously reading in a mocking tone. Finishing the poem completely now Natsuki began to tear at the corners, throwing the little bits around like confetti to antagonize Yuri and it was working well. Yuri screamed to Natsuki in a shaky voice "Give me my poem you little brat!", Natsuki had began breathing heavily and slowing down from fatigue giving Yuri the chance to finally grab her from behind, lifting her up off the ground whist she flailed her legs frantically. With ease Yuri took the letter from Natsuki and dropped her face-first in the cold floor making a thud. MC covered his face in embarrassment watching this all unfold, Monika laughed and put her hand on his head ruffing his hair cutely, "Your so cute when your embarrassed, MC!" she said amidst her amused laughs. Walking over slowly with the poem in-hand Yuri hugged MC and said in an exhausted tone "C-can we please g-go now... Master?", MC nodded and took Yuri's hand as they walked towards the door. As the two began to pass through the iron frame Natsuki who was still on the floor yelled out to them with a nasty tone in her voice "Get out of here you nasty little whore! Take your trash boyfriend, too!", Yuri turned slowly to the pink-haired bully and locked eyes with her, saying in a menacingly sadistic tone "You better watch it or I will carve you like a scrawny baby lamb with my knives!". Natsuki silently stared down the two as they walked out, her look was a mix of disbelief and concern at the threat Yuri had said.

Leaving the school now MC kept looking with a concerned look over at Yuri who was staring down at her feet, too deep in thought to even bother looking back. MC finally wanted to break the silence so he said softly "Um... Did you really mean that threat to Natsuki? Or was it more an empty threat?", Yuri sighed and looked away trying to hide her face, "I... Im sorry you had to see this side of me... I acted really inappropriate.", MC moved closer and put his hand around Yuri's waist to comfort her. Slowly she coaxed a smile and slowly leaned her head against MC's shoulder, walking in perfect sync with him as they approached the intersection that they part to go home every day. With a gentle kiss on the lips from each other both of them went home. "Tomorrow is another day" Yuri said to herself hopefully.

DDLC: Love Cuts Deep (Yuri X MC NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now