Pt. 13: Im Still Me!

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Late into the night Yuri navigated the streets of her town under a veil of darkness, no one was present to pay witness to her gruesome appearance which was something she was very grateful for. All of these thoughts kept rushing around Yuri's mind as she approached her home, memories of how good it felt slaughtering Natsuki, from the feeling of the warm blood running between her fingers to the noise of her blade digging into the soft flesh like a turkey being carved Yuri only could dream about doing it again some day. Yuri finally made it to her front porch, she used her keys to open the wooden front door and close it behind her as she pulled out her phone, there was a new message from MC that popped up around an hour ago.

Yuri opened it and read aloud "Hey I forgot to tell you but Natsuki told me she felt terrible for what she did and wanted to see if maybe you and her could hang out this weekend? She was too shy to ask...". The irony of the text and seeing it now of all times made Yuri break out laughing, a shrill almost corrupted laughter echoed through the dark house as Yuri felt tears flow down her cheeks whilst she walked to her room in a stumble. Now entering the dark room Yuri closed the door and began to strip down completely, taking off everything except her stockings before laying down on her bed and cradling the same dagger she used to murder Natsuki close to her chest, the blade still felt warm to Yuri as she began to run her palm resulting in a deep wound to open up pouring blood all over the bed sheets.

Raising her blood-soaked hand Yuri began to lower her fingers to her crotch and vigorously play with her clit, loud moans filled her room as she moved a bit farther down and inserted 2 fingers into the increasingly wet pussy and wriggled them around hastily, "MMMM I JUST WANT MASTERS COCK TO IMPAIL ME ALREADY!" Yuri screamed desperately as she sped up her hand motions causing cum to begin dripping out profusely. Finally after slamming her G-spot Yuri came, before passing out on her bed completely. Drifting off to a dark deep slumber Yuri's fragile broken mind finally had time to repair from all the traumas she experienced.

Morning came and in a daze she awoke looking around confused at the mess of blood and cum spread across her field of view but shrugged it off as she got out of bed and sluggishly got ready for school again like any other day, everything was a blur and there was no memory of anything that happened, except for the murder which was still fresh in Yuri's mind. Another text notification came up on Yuri's cell, it was MC again, "See you in school, Kitten! <3" the text read out, Yuri's heart filled with life again as she looked over the digital words over and over, getting finished combing her long purple locks of hair before rushing out the door towards school. "Today is another day..." Yuri sighed with a breath of relief and a skip in her step.

MC and Yuri sat together in first period as they waited for the class to start, not a word was spoken between either of the two until MC asked confused "Have you seen Natsuki around? I needed to give her back her manga she let me borr-" Before he could finish Yuri cut him off, "Ummm n-no. I-i didn't even see her..." she said in a shaky and nervous voice. The suspicion grew on MC already, she knew something he didn't and he wanted to find out what was wrong, "Im going to go to the bathroom..." MC said casually as he got up he pet Yuri on top of the head tussling it up and coaxing a blush out of her in response.

Walking out of the door now MC ran to the club room, looking behind him to make sure no one was following now and then until he made it to the wooden door and slowly opened it. The room, at least to the naked eye was as clean and ornate as it always let off, "There has to be something here..." MC hissed with determination as he looked around hastily until locking his gaze on the closet and rushing over to it. With a quick breath to psych himself up MC yanked the closet open, on the floor laid Natsuki's belongings: A blood-covered volume of manga, her hand bag that appeared to have been rummaged through and a folded piece of paper, MC grabbed the paper slowly and opened it revealing the drawing Yuri drew for Natsuki the night before, he observed it in silent horror until a familiar voice rung from very close behind him "M-master...?". It was Yuri.

Instinctively MC tossed the paper away and nervously said "H-hey..." as he stepped back a few inches from his Kitten, "Wh-whats wrong cutie?" Yuri said inching closer with her arms outstretched for a hug, MC backed into the corner cowering before he asked slowly "What did you do to Natsuki...?" Yuri lowered her hands and looked away shyly, "N-nothing... She just was really mean so I made her go away!" she said sweetly. "N-no way..." MC muttered as he tried to get away from the corner Yuri locked him into, but as he tried to walk out she grasped on to his torso and began to hug him closely, "Why do you hate me now, Master? Im still me... Im still your Kitten..." she sadly asked as tears started to well up in her eyes, MC proceeded to pry the girl off of him and run towards the door, MC ran out into the hallway trying to get as far away from Yuri as possible. Yuri standing in the club room stared down at her bare hands crying and them proceeded to yank out the same murder tool she has used last night from her hand bag. "I won't let you leave me! I WANT TO BE WITH YOU FOREVER!" Yuri hissed as she ran out after her next target: MC!

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