Chapter 1: Just Me and My Unlovable Curves...

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Curvy, beautiful rounded, voluptuous. I've heard it all.

That doesn't stop me from feeling.... Big.

Maybe I wasn't like that. Not to say I was morbidly obese, but I was on the fluffy side. And having all of my itty bitty California friends didn't help. Don't get me wrong, I love them! But next to them I felt... Hulking. Fat. Mannish. And I wasn't digging it. Not at all.

Biting my lip, I pulled on sweat pants and a hoody, then changed my mind. I was looking to impress a guy today, and I couldn't do that looking even frumpier than usual. I pulled on skinny jeans and a loose top with flowing sleeves to hide the tops of my arms, then pulled my hair into a ponytail and curled the ends slightly. A swipe of mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss, and I was ready to go. I looked pretty decent, and smiled. I ran out the door just as Lily pulled up, an I eyed her sleek yellow mustang enviously. I was 18, had just graduated, and had yet to get a car. The bus was how I got everywhere. Pursing my lips in annoyance, I got in.

"Hello, darling," Lily said airily with a wink.

"Hello, dear," I said with a nonchalant flourish of my hand. Chuckling, she reached over and tossed me a bag as she drove off. I clutched it impatiently. She drove like an old woman.

"Remember that bikini you refused to buy?" she said calmly.

"Yeeeees?" I leaned over the door, letting out a groan as we crawled along the road to show my impatience.

She slapped me, and I laughed, sitting up. "You're wearing it," she said with a grin. "Change of plans. Instead of going out to eat, Jack's having a pool party tonight, and we're all invited!" My mouth went dry. Jack was Lily's brother, the guy I was trying to impress, and I didn't think I could do it in a bikini. He was one two gorgeous brothers, the other being Chris, and I'd had a crush on him since I was 12. He and Chris were both 21. Fraternal twins.

"But... My makeup isn't even waterproof," I said weakly.

"Brought some," she said dismissively. Sighing, I peeked in the bag. Bless the girl, she'd brought a huge t shirt to go over it. Soon enough we pulled up to Jack's place, and the party was already going strong. Girls were running in, giggling as guys watched them, and the guys walked up slowly to the door trying to look cool. Lily waited outside the car while I changed into the light blue bikini. I pulled the t shirt down firmly over it, then stepped out. Lily immediately attacked, tugging my hair out of the ponytail and applying all waterproof makeup. I rolled my eyes, but dealt with her theatrics; it's not like I knew what to do with makeup myself.

"Ready??" she said excitedly, pulling my hands. Her blonde hair was visible even in the dark, and her blue eyes sparkled. She was in a Hawaiian patterned bikini that fit perfectly over her slim figure. There goes that mannish feeling again. Sighing, I nodded, and we were off. I blinked as we walked in, instantly hit by a wall of noise. People my age were walking all over the place, cups in hand and laughing loudly. My parents would never let me have this kind of party at our house! Jack was home for summer vacation, so between that and Lily and I graduating yesterday, they seemed cool with this. I could see his mom over in the private kitchen, the only place where the rowdy guests weren't allowed. She was talking to a beautiful, curvy woman, who's red hair was twisted elegantly at her neck. My vision is suddenly blocked by Jack's appearance in front of me; my stomach dips with nervous surprise.

"Hey, Ari! Glad you could make it," he said with a smile. I grin back; I don't know many people as attractive as him who've maintained a good personality.

"Yeah. At first I was so busy I thought I wouldn't be able to make it, but you know..." I trailed off, hoping the lie wasn't that obvious.

"That's cool." He smiled at me, and I nearly felt myself get lost. You'd think that after 6 years I'd fall out of love. If anything, it only got worse. Just as I was about to ask how college was, a blonde girl with green eyes slinked up, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. She was obviously wasted. I instantly felt 10 times bigger and wrapped an arm around myself, selfconscious.

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