Peter Parker's Day Off

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      Peter Parker decided to skip school today. And no, it wasn't because he had to fight bad guys and sort out some crime. It turns out, there wasn't any. He told Aunt May that he just wasn't feeling so good but really, all he wanted was some hard-earned rest. He asked both of his best friends, Ned and MJ if they would join him. At first, they had second thoughts but in the end, they agreed anyways. They all found a way on how to fake a fever and it worked. Once all of their parents left, they sneaked out and ran over to Peter's house which was only a few houses away from theirs.

      Once they got there, the three discussed what they're gonna do the entire day. Peter said that they should take his car out for a spin and just drive anywhere. Peter has been in denial of his crush for MJ for a long time now and Ned was gonna do something about it. What the two don't know is that their amazing best friend Ned has plans to set them up so that they could have some alone time.

When they were on the road, they didn't know where to go. Ned said he was craving for donuts so Peter drove to Krispy Kreme. Ned said he'll buy one box full of donuts for all three of them. He left the two in the car and ran off to the store. MJ had been sitting on the passenger seat. A few minutes had passed then she decided to break the silence between her and Peter.

  "Why so quiet, Pete?"

  "Huh?" He turned to face her.

  "You haven't spoken a word since Ned left the car."

  "Okay, what do you wanna talk about, then?"

  "Oh I don't know... stuff, I guess?"

  "Y'know, I don't know much about you yet."

  "I'd rather not--"

  "Oh come on, MJ. You wanted something to talk about. Why not talk about you?"

  "My story isn't really that interesting."

  "Come on, please?" He gave her puppy dog eyes, knowing she couldn't resist them.

  "Okay fine." She said, looking down on her feet, avoiding Peter's gaze. "Well, when I was 7, my mom and dad got divorced... and my dad took custody of me. My mom was pregnant with her new husband when I was 10 and she decided to visit us because she told me that she was going to give me some great news. That Saturday afternoon, she got into a car accident on the way to our house." MJ started to tear up, but was able to keep it together. Peter noticed and pulled her in his arms and she cried silently in his shoulders.

  "Oh god, I'm so sorry for asking. We should've just talked about something else. I'm so sorry, MJ."

  "Well, now you know." She gave an awkward chuckle, wiping her tears. Peter started to lean in to give her a kiss but then Ned knocked on the side door's window.

  "Open up!" He mouthed. Peter pressed the button to unlock all locks. "Thank you." said Ned once he got in. Then he realized, he interrupted something. The two pretended nothing happened and sat there awkwardly, at the same time they hid the grins on their faces.

      Peter had asked once again where they should go next. Ned suggested that they should go to the park. Once they arrived, a girl approached Ned. She introduced herself as Fiona and that she and Ned went to elementary school together. They caught up on some stuff and started walking away from Peter and Michelle. The two then sat on a bench underneath a huge tree.

  "So..." Michelle started.


  "Since I told my story, tell me yours, Pete."

  "I didn't really have a proper childhood, I guess you could say.. And I guess that's about it."

  "Oh come on, you need to say more than that!"

  "Okay. Well... I didn't grow up with my mom and dad. They... died in a plane crash when I was 5." He twiddled with his thumbs and avoided Michelle's eyes. He decided to continue and fill in the awkward silence between them. "Anyways, I was raised by my dad's brother and his wife. But then a tragic accident happened and my uncle was killed." His voice was shaky. "It was all my fault, Michelle. It was all my fault." He started tearing up. She immediately pulled him into a hug.

  "Peter, it wasn't your fault. As you said, it was an accident. Things happen for a reason."

  "He wouldn't have died if I was there. If I just showed up.. He wouldn't have left the house looking for me." Michelle rubbed his back and kept shushing him.

  "Stop blaming yourself for what happened, okay? It was an accident. Accidents happen for a reason. I learned that the hard way." She said the last part quietly, but Peter heard it. He faced MJ and caressed her cheek. They started to lean in but just like what happened earlier, it was interrupted by Ned.

  "Guys! I asked Fiona out and she said yes!!" He said running up to them.

  "That's... that's awesome, dude! I'm so happy for you." Peter said as he swiftly pulled away. The expression on his face was emotionless which Ned quickly noticed.

  "Did I... interrupt something?" He asked, pointing at Peter and then MJ and vice-versa.

  "Nothing." She replied.

  "Alright. Well, can Fiona hang out with us though? We were planning on going to the beach." He said as Fiona came up beside him and held his hand.

  "Uhh yeah. Sure, why not?" said Peter.

      As he drove to the beach, Fiona and Ned kept flirting in the back seat. Their hands were intertwined and kept giving each other quick kisses here and there. Peter and MJ kept exchanging quick glances and giggled silently.

Ned and Fiona ran off to the shore, removing their shoes. He carried her on his back and they ran around. Peter and Michelle stayed on the boardwalk and leaned on the railings, watching the other two.

  "I always predicted that he'd get a girlfriend first." Peter said.

  "Why so?"

  "I don't know. I'm just not flirtatious. I'm not outgoing either."

  "You know, you don't need to be either of those things to date someone. You're enough, and that's what matters. Plus, you have everything anyone would want. Brains, popularity, looks.."

  "I have none of those. Especially the last one. Look at yourself. You have those, Michelle."

  "No, I don't."

  "Oh come on, stop being modest. You have everything."

  "That's completely false. I don't have everything."

  "You're smart, people look up to you and you're.. really pretty." Peter said the last part almost like a faint whisper. He snuck a quick glance towards her and looked back down at the people on the beach again. She glanced back.

  "What?" She blushed, trying to hide her grin. "What was that last part again?" Peter's stomach churned.

  "I said you're very pretty." He said softly, slowly looking at her. MJ couldn't conceal her grin no more. Peter smiled back as well.

  "And you said you weren't flirtatious." She said.

  "I'm not." He said, pulling her into a kiss. It lasted for a while and when he pulled away, Michelle spoke.

  "You didn't say you were a good kisser either."

  "I actually did not know that until now. Want some more?" He grinned, holding her by the waist.

  "Yes please." She replied while he pulled her in back again.

Meanwhile on the beach, Ned and Fiona were laughing as he put her down. He looked up on the boardwalk and saw his two best friends kissing.

  "I guess everything does have a happily ever after." He told himself. Fiona put her arms around him and hugged him from the side. He put his arm on her waist as she gave him a kiss.

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