I Need A Girl Like You

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      Michelle Jones was getting dressed for a birthday party. It was her cousin's-Hannah. She's turning 7 and because her birthday is the same day as halloween, every year, they invite the guests and tell them to dress up as if they're going to an ordinary halloween party. Interestingly enough, Peter Parker knows Hannah and are next-door neighbors with her. Her family had invited him to the party and he felt excited to show up as Spider-Man.

And so there they were. Michelle walked up to door #7 on the 4th floor of the apartment building, dressed up as a black cat. Peter walked up beside her as she knocked on the door. He glanced at her abruptly and immediately recognized her.

  "Michelle? What are you doing here?" He asked, taking off his mask.

  "I should ask you the same. You know Hannah?"

  "Yeah, I live next door." He pointed at door #8 right down the hallway.


  "And, how do you know her, then?"

  "She's my cousin. Mom side."

  "Oh. What a small world we live in, huh?" The door swung open and Hannah's mom, Janet, welcomed the two. She ushered them in and in they went. It was the first time Peter had been invited to such a party. Aunt May was invited too but unfortunately, she had many errands to run. He didn't know anyone who were there, and MJ could sense that. She went to grab his wrist but he instantly pulled away as she might accidentay trigger the web shooter.

  "You okay?" She asks him.

  "Yeah just-" He sighed. "These actually work. Like, these actually shoot webs. So, I try to be careful, you know?" She looked at him in disbelief and scoffed.

  "Look, Peter, I know you wanna impress all the kids here but, it's not working on me."

  "Okay, fine. Don't believe me. Why were you gonna hold my wrist anyway?"

  "I was gonna introduce you to some of the guests here. You seemed pretty..."

  "Lonely? Yeah." She nodded along. "Sure. Let's go." She held him by the hand and pushed their way to Michelle's relatives. She introduced him to them one by one and as they went on, she caught the attention of her younger cousins.

  "Ohmygod is that really Spider-Man?!" One of them shouted.

  "WOAH OHMYGOD HI SPIDEY!!" The horde of children ran over to them and rammed Peter to the ground. They pulled out their phones.

  "Can you take a picture with me?" One girl said.

  "Can you say 'Hi' to my brother?" said one boy who was recording. Peter put on the mask and posed for the pictures and said 'Hi' to those who were recording. MJ looked at him with a smile on her face.

  "Gotta love kids." He said to her after removing his mask again.

  "You were so patient with them."

  "Yeah well, they think I'm Spider-Man. I gotta give em what they want, right?"

  "Yeah, I guess so." He blushed at her grinning at him.

      Half an hour later, the birthday cake was being carried out of the kitchen and into the living room. Everyone stood up and huddled around Hannah, singing "Happy Birthday".

She silently made a wish and blew out the candle. After that, the cake was being cut and handed to the visitors.

  "God, I'm getting kinda bored." Michelle said to Peter.

  "Yeah, same."

  "Wanna get out of here?" She gave a slight smirk.

  "Uhh.. sure?" She took his hand and they ran out the door. "Wait!" Peter said once they got out of the building.


  "Where are we going?"

  "Where do you wanna go?" She asked. Peter sighed and looked around. His eyes caught sight of an alley.

  "Wanna go around the city?"

  "Sure." She put her thumb out, calling attention of a taxi cab.

  "No," He pushed her arm down. "I meant, all around the city. From high above." This left her confused.

  "What do you mean?"

  "C'mere." He held her hand and they ran to the alley. "I'm letting you in a secret because I trust you, okay? Don't tell it to anyone."

  "Okay...? Peter, what is this? You're starting to freak me out."

  "Trust me. Close your eyes."

  "Okay, now I'm really freaked out."

  "Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight." She wrapped her arms around his neck hesitantly. "Hold on, okay?"

  "I am. I am." Peter put his mask on. He held her by the waist, slung a web and pulled himself up, making MJ's eyes open wide. "AHHHH! PETER WHAT- WAIT- YOU REALLY ARE SPIDER-MAN!"

  "Relax, you're fine. And yes, I am. Please stop shouting in my ear."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. -- THIS IS SO COOL THOUGH!"

      Peter went around the city, carrying Michelle in his arms. She didn't complain about a single thing and continued on marvelling at the beautiful city beneath them. It was night time too which made it much more cinematic. Whilst they were doing this, Peter had planned on taking him and MJ to an open outdoor club where each of the customers are given a pair of headphones. They can play whatever song they wanted there.

When they reached their destination, Peter removed his mask and Michelle smiled at him.

  "That was amazing!" She looked around and took in her surroundings. "Where are we?"

  "We're at one of those silent night club things. I don't know what it's called, alright? But, you get the idea." She laughed. "This one's for mobile clubbing, where we can provide our own music through our phones."

  "OH! Yeah, I've heard about these. God, we're gonna look so awkward if both of us have different songs playing." He chuckled.

  "Well, let's be weird together, then."

Once they were inside, they looked around and realized that the whole club was decorated for halloween, and most of the people inside were wearing costumes too, dancing with their friends. Once they were given their headphones, they took a few seconds to choose a song in their phones.

  "Do you wanna match songs so that we won't seem awkward?" Michelle asked.

  "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." They scrolled through their playlists and tried to find a song that both of them had. They came across "Sunflower" by Post Malone ft. Swae Lee.

  "Okay, let's play it at the same time. One.."


  "Three!" They pressed the play button at the same time. They started dancing to the chill beat of the song. Once in a while, the other would make a weird dance move to make the other laugh. They both had their turns in doing so. The next song they decided to play was "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B.

      Peter lipsynced the song to Michelle. He spun her around a few times and held her hands throughout the whole dance, as if dancing somewhat of a waltz. Towards the ending of the song, he had his hands wrapped around her waist and her arms were around his neck. They rested their foreheads onto each other's. The song had now stopped, and they remained standing like that. Peter gave a slight smile and Michelle did too. A few seconds later, he started leaning in and pressed his lips onto hers and they slowly closed their eyes.

They started hearing claps from people around them which made them pull away and look around. They hadn't even realized that with all that dancing, they ended up in the middle of the dance floor. Staying in the same position, they laughed and stared into each other's eyes, and shared a kiss once more.

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