We're Taking A Break...? (pt. 2)

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"No. I meant take a break.. from us." That was it. Michelle was about to break in tears.

"We can work this out. Peter, it was only one kiss."

"But you kissed back. Obviously, you like him. Which begs the question, why are we even still dating?"

"Because I love you." She kneeled down to face him and held both of his hands. 'The kiss doesn't matter. What matters is what we think about each other. Peter, you're overreacting. I didn't cheat on you. We can work this out."

"Michelle, it's been a long day. The two of you can talk about this tomorrow." Ned said, putting a hand on Michelle's shoulder.

"I guess so." She stood up. "See ya, Peter." She walked out of the room. Peter put his face in his hands once again.

***The next day***

Michelle plopped down on her seat at homeroom. She put her head on the desk. Matthew arrived and sat beside MJ again. He carefully tapped her shoulders.

"Hey," He softly said. "Listen, about last night..." She looked up to face him.

"Doesn't matter. We broke up, anyway."

"Oh." He slowly put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry." She put her hand on his.

"It's fine. I don't think it was bound to last anyway."

"So.. about the project.."

"We can work on it later after class. My house?" She talked pretty quickly.

"Uhh.. yeah."

***Lunch Time***

Michelle and Matthew grabbed their lunch trays and searched for an empty table. She glanced over at Peter and Ned and the latter waved. She shook her head. The two were able to find a table far away from Peter and Ned.

Michelle suddenly received a text from Ned saying:

Are the two of you ever gonna talk again?

Michelle replied with:

No. We broke up, remember?

Ned texted back quickly:

That doesn't mean the two of you can't be friends again. Talk it out.

She replied:

But he won't accept my apology. I'm really sorry about it. I hope he realizes that.

The conversation ended.

"Hey Matthew," She started. He looked up to face her. "Wanna hang out sometime? For a coffee or something?"

"Sure, I guess." A ghost of a grin crept up on his face. "There's this movie showing this week. Wanna watch that?" He asks.

"Yeah. Why not?"

***Later that week***

      Michelle answered the knock on her door and was greeted by Matthew.

  "Wow. You look stunning." He said, quickly looking at her from head to toe.

  "Thanks. You look handsome in that." She replied.

  "Aww shucks. So, you ready for the movie?"

  "Yep. Let's go."

Matthew drove them over to the theater. A few hours later, they exited.

"That movie was amazing!" She said in the car.


"By the way, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

Matthew took Michelle to a park. It reminded her of when she and Peter had their first kiss. Matt saw the disappointed look on her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's just.. This is where Peter and I had our first kiss."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. We can go somewhere else."

"No, no. It's fine." She inhaled and exhaled. She felt okay.

"You look really pretty." Matt said, moving a bang from MJ's face.

"Thanks." He slowly leaned in and kissed her. It felt wonderful, but it also felt wrong. She quickly pulled away. "Matt, you're a really great guy. But... this.. it feels so wrong. I'm so sorry."

"You still like him, don't you?" He asked. She pressed her lips and slowly nodded. "I figured. Come on, I'll drive you to his place."

Matthew dropped off Michelle at Peter's house.

"I'm rooting for the both of you." He said before she got out of the car.

"Thank you Matt. For understanding." She kissed his cheek then hopped out of the car.

She decided to text Ned:

Are you at Peter's?

After a few minutes, he responded:

Yeah, I'm here. Y'all gotta work this out. I'm serious.

She smiled and replied:

If you're in his room, open the window.

A few seconds later, Ned's face peeped out from the window from the second floor. MJ gave a little wave and he did too. She gestured that she's coming up and Ned gave a thumbs-up. She ran up the porch and knocked once again. Ned answered the door. They went to Peter's bedroom.

"Michelle..." Peter said and stood up and gave her a hug. "Our fight, oh god, it was all so stupid. You were right, I was overreacting. Oh god, how I've missed you." Michelle shed a few tears.

"I missed you so much." She said. Peter kissed her forehead.

"God, I was acting like such a baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't know why I overreacted like that."

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. We're good, now."

"Are we... back together again?"

"Yeah. Yeah we are." He pulled her in for a kiss. Ned stood there and watched. He was so relieved that his friends were okay again. The two hugged once more but this time, they held out their arms to Ned.

"Come here, buddy." said Peter. He gladly went in for the group hug.

"I love you guys." said Ned.

"We love you too." They both said in response.

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