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"Kook, your alarm is going off." Tae mumbles into my ear, a smile coloring his words
"Then turn it off." I mumble back, burying my face into the crook of his neck.
He chuckles slightly as he leans over me to press the snooze button. He knows that the only way I'll really get up is if I turn the alarm off myself; the product of living togther for three years.
"What's on the agenda for today?" He asks as he lays back down beside me.
"I have a photoshoot at ten and then another at three o'clock," I say sleepily. "What about you?"
"Oh- I'm booked all day. Tons of photoshoots and interviews." Tae replies.
"Do you think we could meet somewhere for lunch?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Probably not; I'm really busy," Tae says as he looks at me. "Sorry babe."
"No its fine." I say, trying not to show how much it hurt my feelings.
I sit up with a sigh as my alarm begins to go off again.
"I guess I should start getting ready then."
"I'll see you later today though, ok?" Tae says softly as he kisses my side.
I smile. "Ok."

"Ugh, it's so hot out here." I huff to myself as I cross the street.
For some reason, Tae wanted me to meet him at Seoul beach, which was all the way across town. And he knew I didn't have the car and that I was walking with all of my photography equipment. He probably wanted to get dinner and drinks at the little cafe on the shoreside. We ate there once a couple weeks ago and he really loved it.
At the next corner I stop and adjust the strap to my camera stand, cursing myself for forgetting to bring my wallet. If I had it, I could've caught a taxi or the bus or something.
My phone begins to ring in my pocket and as i pull it out, I accidentally drop my camera bag.
I kneel down on the floor, simultaneously anwsering my phone.
"Hobi, what do you want?" I say a bit angrily as i inspect my camera.
"Are you almost here?" He asks.
"I'm heading to the beach." I say, frowning when I see that the screen is cracked. The camera was busted- a 500,000₩ camera, gone.
"I know that. Everyone's here, we're just waiting for you." Hoseok says.
"Oh. I didn't know-"
My head suddenly jerks up as i hear tires screech on the asphalt.

And then everything goes dark.

Don't Leave Me  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now