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"Kook, how many times do I have to tell you this?" Tae says exsperatedly. "I would never cheat on you."
"You can tell me as many times as you want. I still think it's weird how much time you spend with her." I fire back.
"With who Kook? Sooksun, my assistant?" Tae asks.
"You should be spending that time with me; we hardly see each other as it is. But no, you'd rather be with her."
"I would never-"
"Go ahead, keep saying that. Its not going to change anything." I say. "But you're bi Tae. You're attracted to both genders so for all I know, you could be lying to me."
"Like Jimin did?" Tae asks softly but I still flinch, looking away from him.
"Jimin is gay, just like you. And yet, he slept around with Yoongi behind your back. So what point are you trying to make?" Tae asks.
A silence ensues, one that makes it feel as if we're oceans apart, rather than sitting across from eachother on the bed.
"Are you trying to tell me something? Are you cheating-"
"No. I would never." I say tightly.
"I have a question for you Kook. That asshole-"
"Don't call him that." I say quietly.
"I'll call him whatever the hell I want. That asshole fucking cheated on you- for months Kook. All the while, smiling in your face and telling you he loved you. How can you just...just let him back into you're life like that? Like he didn't do shit-"
"Stop! This isn't about Jimin, it's about you-"
"But it might as well be!" Tae shouts back. "You want Sooksun gone? Well I want Jimin gone. If you make it happen, I'll fire Sooksun."
Tae gets up from the bed as i look down at my lap, trying not to cry.
"Where are you going?" I ask blankly.
"I'm sleeping in the living room tonight. I'm tired of being interrogated." Tae replies sharply.

After that argument, I waited up for Tae until about one in the morning, hoping he would come back and we could patch things up. I really didn't mean any of what I said, I just got worked up sometimes and insecure about myself, especially after what happened with Jimin. I remember crying myself to sleep that night but around three a.m. I woke up to Tae's arms holding me close to his body and I knew that everything was going to be ok.
Its funny how much I used to accuse Tae of cheating on me. And now I was the one who had been unfaithful, sleeping with my ex while treating the one I really loved like shit. And yet he still remained by my side, never giving up.
I didn't deserve Tae and Tae deserved someone much better than me.
But before I left I had to say goodbye. It would hurt too much if I didn't.

"Well we have to do something." Seokjin says firmly, but with a soothing note to his voice.
I think he was trying to keep me from having a panic attack. I mean, my boyfriend left and I had no way to contact him. He could be heading to the airport right now, getting ready to leave the country or some shit-
"Taehyung." Seokjin says loudly, sounding irritated like he'd been calling me for some time now.
"Hm? What?" I ask as l try to shake those thoughts off.
"Do you know anyone who might have Jungkook's number?" Seokjin asks.
"I know Hoseok has it-"
The realization suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks.
Jimin had Jungkook's number too.
"That's ok. At least I'll see Kookie tomorrow."
Jungkook had run off to Jimin's apartment.
"Taehyung, I'm going to call Hoseok and get Jungkook's number. You should-"
I hang up on Seokjin before he can finish his sentence, trying to control my anger as I march across the room to Jimin's dressing room, pounding my fist on the door three times before he anwsers.
"Where is he?" I demand before Jimin can even open his mouth.
"Where is who?" Jimin asks a bit smugly, amusement coloring his eyes.
I pull my fist back and punch him square in the side of his face. Jimin stumbles and falls down, quickly getting back up though with a look of pure hatred on his face. He tries to make a move toward me but his Manager slots himself between us at that moment, keeping a safe distance between the two of us.
"What the hell was that for?!" Jimin shouts.
"I'm not here to play games. Tell me where Jungkook is." I shout back.
"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" Jimin snaps back and my anger suddenly deflates.
"Well...can you call him please? I don't have his number." I ask quietly.
"How do you not have your own boyfriends phone number-"
"I don't have time for this shit Jimin! He's run off and we can't find him." I say urgently.
"Ok, I'll call him." Jimin says as he pulls away from his manager and walks over to his phone.
"Can you give me his number too?" I ask as l watch him unlock his phone.
"Get it from him yourself. If he wanted you to have it he would've gave it to you." Jimin replies.
I grit my teeth. "Fuck you-"
"Shh, it's ringing." Jimin says, cutting me off.
I watch in as Jimin listens to the phone ring. He frowns and pulls his phone away to look at it.
"What? He didn't anwser?" I ask.
Jimin just ignores me as he tries to call Jungkook again and again. Suddenly something that Seokjin said earlier clicks in my head and I chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Jimin says as he looks at me.
"I just remembered, if Jungkook got his memory back then there's no way he'll anwser your calls." I say smugly.
Jimin frowns, looking confused. "He got his memory back? When-?"
"Oh well. Thanks anyways Jimin." I say, smiling as i walk out of the room.

Don't Leave Me  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now