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Something is poking my hand.
It feels like a needle, like a shot the doctor gives you.
That annoying sharp pain.
I try to jerk my hand away but only manage to twitch my fingers.
To my left, someone gasps suddenly, scaring me half to death.
"Nurse, did you see that?"
I know that voice.
I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out. What the hell is wrong with me?
"Kookie...please, open your eyes."
After a few tries I manage to get them open, squinting at the bright like coming through the windows. I look at the heart monitor beside me, take in the sterile smell that only hospitals smell like, the vases of  flowers littering the table on my right, the hospital bed and the nurse and the dull ache in my hand-
I look down and see an IV tape down onto my hand, the needle in my skin.
"What-?" I abruptly stop at the sound of my voice. It was incredibly horse and quiet.
A warm hand lays over mine and I look up to see Jimin staring down at me, too many emotions crossing over his face for me to name.
"I'll go get the doctor." The nurse says before she rushes out of the room.
I try to sit up but my body is so weak that I can hardly manage it. Jimin leans down and hugs me as i reach my arms up, burying my face in his neck.
"Its ok," He soothes quietly. "You're ok now."
"What happened to me?" I ask, internally cringing at how bad I sounded.
"You were in an accident. You've been in a coma for three months." Jimin replies.


"So he's really awake?"
"According to the hospital he is."
"So he's ok?"
"I don't know. They haven't released a official statement yet."
"I hope he comes back soon. All these other photographers are no where near as good."
"I'm know right?"
"Why is Taehyung still here? I mean, I know it's Gucci but if I found out my boyfriend just woke up from a three month coma, there's no way I could keep working."
I almost pass out as i eavesdrop on their conversation.  Until they mentioned my name, I wouldn't allow myself to believe that they were talking about Jungkook.
But why the hell did I have to find out about it from the other models rather than my Manager. What was I paying him for, if not to tell me about important shit like this?
As soon as the shoot was over I race into my dressing room where Sejun Hyung was waiting for me.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I demand.
"Because I know you. You'd want to drop everything and go to him and you can't do that- especially with Gucci. You're already on thin ice; think of how long you've wanted this and how hard you've worked for it." Sejun Hyung says and he's right.
"He didn't wake up alone did he?" I ask, my voice shaking with emotion.
Sejun hyung shakes his head. "Someone was there. The nurse I spoke to wasn't sure who excatly but someone was there."
I nod in relief, swallowing to clear my throat.
"How long has he been awake?" I ask.
"About an hour now."
"And everything's ok?"
"Well...you should sit down for this," Sejun hyung pauses, waiting for me to sit. "He's lost some of his memory."
Even though the doctors warned this might happen, it still surprises me.
"What has he forgotten?" I ask, dread beginning to seep into my stomach.
Sejun hyung sighs, looking away from me momentarily as he passes a hand over his face.
"You; he's forgotten you."

Don't Leave Me  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now