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"I'm home!" I call out as i enter the apartment.
I head down the hallway towards the kitchen, pausing outside the doorway when Seokjin hyung suddenly bursts out, his voice sounding angry.
"There is no right time to tell someone this kind of thing. Your just going to have to do it, sooner rather than later."
"You make it sound so easy Hyung. But..." Jimin trails off, sounding miserable.
Without really thinking about it, I walk into the kitchen; both of them jump, looking very surprised to see me.
"What's wrong?" I ask, immediately going over to Jimin and wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Tell him Jimin." Seokjin says sternly.
I look up at Jimin, who looked so conflicted and heartbroken that it made me feel anxious, like something bad was about to happen.
"Jungkook, I...." Jimin trails off with a sigh, pulling away from me roughly. He runs his hand through his hair as he turns away from the both of us, slamming his fist down on the counter.
I jump as the sound echoes throughout the apartment. I've never seen Jimin so angry before; it only made me even more scared.
He turns on me suddenly, his eyes filling with tears as he pulls me into a tight embrace.
"I'm so sorry Kookie. But I haven't been faithful to you," he pulls away slightly to look me in the eye. "For the past three months I've had a secret affair with Yoongi hyung."

My eyes fill with tears as Jimin recounts the whole affair, every gory detail.
I remember the day when he told me. I remember going to Seokjin's apartment afterwards and crying uncontrollably for a couple hours. I remember cursing out Jimin and Yoongi both, hoping to never see either of them again.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask once he's finally gone quiet. "Did Hoseok put you up to this?"
Jimin hesitates. "It needed to be done."
I look away from him, trying to process everything he's told me.
"Kookie," he takes my hand when I don't respond. "I'll be the first to admit that I fucked up- big time. But if you give me another chance, I promise...i won't make the same mistake twice."
"How can I trust you?" I ask quietly.
"I..." Jimin trails off, lost for words.
I pull my hand out of his, a sad smile playing at my lips.
"I should get going. Taehyung hyung will be home soon." I walk away without waiting for him to respond.
Hoseok watches me as i climb up the steps, holding out a water to me as i approach him.
"Take me home please." I say, taking the water from him.

The first thing I notice when I walk into the house is the aroma of a freshly prepared meal. Kook used to cook dinner for us whenever he had the time but that was a rarity.
It must be Seokjin hyung; after Kook's accident he would come over  and cook dinner for me whenever he managed to get me away from the hospital (which wasn't very often).
Hyung must've come over to make sure things were going well between the two of us. Though I wish they were, reality told me otherwise. I haven't seen Jungkook since that night when I threw myself at him; well I have seen him but he's either asleep or actively ignoring me. Its almost to the point where I feel like the best thing to do is to just let him be with Jimin. Even though every fiber of my being revolted at the thought, there was no point in forcing Kook to be around me if he wasn't willing to give me a chance.
I look up in surprise when Kook's voice calls out to me from the kitchen. He appears in the doorway a moment later, wearing an oversized white long sleeve tshirt and jeans, with his  iron man socks on.

"Is that Iron Man?" I ask in disbelief as i watch Jungkook unpack his suitcase. "The incredibly stylish and fashionable Jeon Jungkook has Iron Man socks?"
Jungkook gives me the finger, but he smiles when I laugh.
"What's wrong with that? Iron Man is badass." Jungkook replies as he picks the socks up and looks them over.
"All Iron Man has is a suit and some gadgets." I say as I take the socks from him.
"Hey, don't diss Iron Man. That's a deal breaker for me." Kook say jokingly.
I toss the socks aside as i pull him onto my lap.
"Will you make an exception for Batman?" I ask, my voice dropping in pitch as i rest my chin on his shoulder.
"Batman is DC; Iron Man is Marvel." Kook say loftily.
"But they're basically like the same person-"
"They are not. Take it back." Jungkook snaps, a smile playing on the edges of his lips.
"Iron Man is the greatest superhero of all time." I quickly amend.
"That's more like it." Jungkook says as he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Hyung, what's wrong?"
"Hm? Oh, it's nothing." I say quickly, looking away from Kook when he walks up to me.
"But you're crying." He says softly.
Jungkook reaches up to touch my cheek but he hesitates at the last minute, biting his lip as he lowers his hand.
"I made dinner. We should go eat before it gets cold." Kook murmurs.
"Yeah, ok." I say, quickly drying my eyes as I follow Jungkook into the kitchen.
"Its japchae and fried rice- one of your favorite dishes." Jungkook says as we sit down at the table.
"How- did you remember something else today?" I ask in surprise.
Kook shakes his head. "I found it in a folder labeled 'Tae's Favorites'."
"Oh." I reply dully, the little bit of hope I had vanishing.
"Hoseok had to go home and pack for his tour tomorrow." Kook says as i put some of the japchae on my plate.
"Oh ok," I reply. "I was wondering where he was."
We eat in a comfortable silence, and soon enough the food is all gone.
"Well, at least you haven't forgotten how to cook." I say jokingly as Kook begins to clear up the dishes.
"Here, I'll do that." I say, rushing over to the sink to take the plates from.
"I'm going to go take a shower." Kook says after a moment.
"Ok." I reply.
It takes me about thirty minutes to clean up the kitchen and once I'm done I walk into our room and collapse onto the bed, exhausted. Today I had to pose on top of this high narrow wall. The pictures came out great but the fear I had to surpress took a toll on me.
I think I was just about to fall asleep when I feel something curl up against my side and then Kook's legs hook over my left leg. I was so surprised I didn't dare move, afraid he would get up if I did.
"I went to go see Jimin today." Kook says without warning.
"Oh, ok." I say lightly, trying not too sound upset.
"Hoseok set it up. Jimin...he came to talk to me about how he cheated on me..and as he was talking I remembered it all." Jungkook's voice was barely above a whisper by the time he finished.
"I'm sorry Kook." I say, truly meaning it.
"He wants me to give him another chance." Jungkook says after a moment.
I feel him shift beside me and look down to see him staring at me with his big brown eyes.
"But before I do that...i feel like I should give you a chance." Jungkook says softly.
"Are you serious?" I blurt out, making him smirk slightly as he nods.
I wrap my arms around him and Jungkook stiffens slightly.
"I promise, you won't regret this." I say, my voice shaking with emotion even though I try to hide it.
Finally, after pushing me away and fighting me for the past couple days...he's finally giving me a chance. I can't screw this up; I could lose him forever if I do.
"But just so you know, since we're starting over and being honest with eachother..." Jungkook trails off, hesitating.
"Just say it." I say, not unkindly.
"You won't like it," Jungkook looks away from me for a moment. "I slept with Jimin."

Ok so Epiphany is out now and Jin honestly did an amazing job. Everything about the song and the video is amazing. Don't forget to stream the video; those who aren't simply because they didn't want it to pass the other intros should be ashamed.

Anyways, I'll be posting alot more frequently under the conversations tab in my profile. I actually asked you all a question on their a couple days ago, so if you haven't seen it already check that out.

Don't forget to comment, and vote.

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