Preface 2

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Jungkook and I's meeting was really by chance. We moved in two different circles after all. He was a pretty well known photographer while I was a internationally famous model. My friend and fellow model, Kim Seokjin was friends with the rap group JSR, and one of the members, Jung Hoseok was friends with Jungkook.
When we met, Jungkook was with an up and coming model and dancer, Park Jimin. And he really loved Jimin but he ended things after he caught the idiot sleeping around with Min Yoongi.
We started dating shortly after but what I never understood is why Jungkook decided to remain friends with Jimin. If I caught my boyfriend sleeping around with another guy, I would've cut him off completely. But I guess Jungkook just loved Jimin too much to do that.
Things were awkward for awhile after that but Yoongi sat down with both Jungkook and Jimin and they all patched things up i guess.
As for me...i loved Jungkook. With my whole heart.
I loved the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the way he teased our hyung's but was always quick to praise anyone if they started to doubt themselves.
I loved how selfless he was, how everyone's problems came before his own.
I loved every sigh and moan that left his lips when we made love; how he arched his back when I hit his sweet spot and how he buried his face into my neck when he was close.
I loved how stubborn he was (except when we were arguing) but that he also knew when to quit.
And it didn't hurt that he was a great cook.
So this morning when he grumbled at me to turn his alarm clock off, I realized that this was the life I always wanted to have. And so, I lied and told him that I was busy when in reality I was already planning a surprise beach proposal.
Seokjin helped me plan everything, he even rented out our favorite little restaurant by the beach while I went ring shopping. Neither of us were showy so a simple silver band would do but I wanted to have it engraved with the day that we met.
So I was in the jewelry store waiting for the guy to finish the engraving when Seokjin called me.
"Everything's set up and ready. The only things missing are you and Jungkook- Hoseok is on the phone with him now. Where are you?" He asks.
"I'm waiting on the rings." I say, glancing back to make sure the guy was still working.
"You better pay me back for this. It wasn't cheap." Seokjin huffs jokingly.
I smile. "Don't worry, I will hyung-"
Suddenly I hear shouting in the background- it sounded like Hoseok.
"Tae- Taehyung something happened to Jungkook," Seokjin says suddenly. "Hoseok was on the phone with him and he heard something like an explosion or whatever and then his phone cut off. And when he tries to call back it goes straight to voicemail."
"What-?" I say, not really processing what he's saying.
"Trying calling him yourself," Seokjin says urgently. "We're going to call the police."
"I- ok." I say quickly.

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