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Once I make it back to my dressing room though, the worry washes over me like a tidal wave. I'm no closer to finding Jungkook than I was before. I quickly pull out my phone as it begins to ring, anwsering it hopefully when I see Hoseok's name flash across the screen.
"Hey, Seokjin just called me," Hoseok says before I can speak. "I haven't heard from Jungkook but have you tried Jimin? He might be with-"
"Yeah I just talked to Jimin. He's not with him." I say.
"Ok..well...I'll try calling Jungkook. But you should check my apartment; he could be there too you know, since I have that list of people who can come up while I'm gone-"
My phone suddenly beeps in my hand and I pull it away to see Seokjin calling me.
"-might be there."
"Ok I'll go there next," I say quickly. "I have to go, Seokjin is calling me."
"Ok. I'll call you if I get a hold of him." Hoseok replies just a quickly.
"Ok, bye." I end the call with Hoseok, anwsering Seokjin's at the last possible second.
"Hey. I talked to Hoseok. He said-"
"I know, he just called me," I say, cutting him off. "I'm going to go to his apartment and see if Jungkook is there."
I start taking off my clothes, juggling my phone in my hand as i put on my actual clothes.
"Ok. In the meantime I'm going to try calling Jungkook." Seokjin says.
"Ok. Let me know if you hear from him." I say.
"Let me know if you find him." Seokjin replies.
"Will do." I say before hanging up.

When I make it to Hoseok's apartment, the front desk guy let's me up without a problem. I didn't think to ask, but I guess Hoseok had me on the list as one of the people who could come up; either that or he called before I got here.
"I haven't seen anyone else besides you today," the man says as he handed me the key. "But my shift just started an hour ago so someone else could've let him up."
"Ok, thanks." I say, hurrying over to the elevator.
It feels like a lifetime before the elevator comes down and takes me up to Hoseok's apartment. I sprint down hallway to his room, fumbling with the key until I finally get it into the lock.
Dark; the whole apartment was dark. Even still I head for the bedroom and then the bathroom, just to make sure he really wasn't there. I plop down on the couch in frustration when I notice a package of pictures on the coffee table with a sticky note attached that read 'Return to Kookie'.
I open up the package, realizing it was the pictures he took when we went up to that lodge.

I open up the package, realizing it was the pictures he took when we went up to that lodge

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Don't Leave Me  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now