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"Hey, get up."
I groan and squint my eyes open as someone shakes my shoulder roughly. I half expected it to be Seokjin hyung because of the demanding tone so I was surprised to see Hoseok standing infront of me instead.
I've never seen him look so angry before and it scared me.
"Its time to go." He says, his words coming out clipped from trying to hold his anger back.
"I-i was going to go with Jimin-"
I suddenly realized why Hoseok was so mad as the arms around my waist tighten slightly.
"I don't care what you were going to do. I told Taehyung I would take you home so get your ass up and put your clothes on." Hoseok snaps.
"Ok." I squeak out as i quickly get out of the bed, glancing back at Jimin as i grab my clothes off the floor and head to the bathroom.

"No, it has to be the same color or the same number." Namjoon says as Yoongi attempts to put a yellow four ontop of a draw four card.
Yoongi's brows furrow as he takes the card back.
"Why are we playing this anyways? It's too complicated." He huffs as he looks over his cards again.
"I'm going to go to bed." I announce suddenly, laying my Uno cards down as i stand up.
"Ok, goodnight." Hoseok calls as I walk away toward the stairs that led to the bedrooms.
Jimin had gone to bed earlier but I hoped he was still awake as i made my way to his bedroom, knocking on the door.
Everyone had been staring daggers at us today- especially Hoseok and Seokjin- for being together, everyone except Taehyung who had been  unusually quiet. All I wanted was some alone time with him.
"Oh, Kookie-"
Jimin's eyes widen in surprise as i kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He manages to close the door and lock it before we stumble back and fall onto the bed. We make out for a couple minutes before Jimin pulls away, lips red and swollen with his hair and clothes ruffled up.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks hesitantly. "I'm here aren't I?" I ask jokingly but when Jimin doesn't smile, I quickly somber up. "I don't love him like I love you, or even know him for that matter. I know I'm supposed to but-"
"No, it's ok." Jimin assures when I frown.
I pull him back down until our lips meet; we make out alittle while longer, slowly undressing eachother as we do so.
I squeeze my eyes shut, a soft moan slipping from my mouth as Jimin enters me, skin slapping skin at an even pace. This was all that I wanted, just to be with Jimin; so why did I still feel so empty inside?
Jimin grips my hips as he gives one final thrust, burying his face in the crook of my neck to muffle his moans as he cums moments before I do.
We both lay there for a moment afterwards, sweaty and breathing heavily. Jimin stands and grabs a towel from the bathroom to clean up the mess. He tosses it into a corner of the room as he slips into bed beside me again, pulling me close as he wraps his arms around me.
The last thing I remember before I drift off to sleep is wondering how the embrace I wanted more than anything could feel so foreign?

"Jimin is going to wonder where I am." I say dully as i stare out the window of Hoseok's car.
He had to bring his car after Seokjin realized he rented a van that only had six seats. Seokjin felt so bad about it that he gave Hoseok more than enough money to cover the gas.
"Am I supposed to care?" Hoseok asks indifferently, his eyes never wavering from the road.
"I don't want to go back to Taehyung hyungs." I say unhappily.
"Its your house too." Hoseok replies.
"It doesn't feel like it." I mutter.
"Because you haven't given it a chance. You didn't even give Taehyung a chance." Hoseok says, adding the last part coldly.
"I'm not going to remember anything hyung. So there's no point in trying to force anything." I snap back, starting to lose my temper.
"You remembered something the other day, so there's still a chance." Hoseok says.
"How did you-?"
"Taehyung told me," Hoseok goes quiet for a moment. "And even if you don't remember anything. Don't you think he still deserves a chance? You fell in love with him once after all; so why couldn't it happen again?"
"Because I'm in love with someone else." I mumble.
"Or you're afraid to make a change; to throw away everything you think you know." I can feel Hoseok's eyes burning a hole in the side of my head but I ignore him.
"That's what you think." I say.
"No, that's what I know." Hoseok replies but I don't respond.

Don't Leave Me  (18+) | TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now