Chapter Sixteen

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Live in the flesh. Here he was trying to destroy Scar's career; out her in front of everyone that I'm a scam. Then again, how could he?

He has something of Scarlett's...

And he would use it too.

"Ri?" he says and I look up and see the gaze in his eyes that's focused right on me...

"I-I think you have misunderstood," Zach shoots back quickly and I smile uneasily, nodding.

"Oh, you must be right, forgive me; you just look so familiar... as if I've seen you from somewhere," Ashton smirks and I roll my eyes and Zach looks at me questioningly.

"Well, I mean she is Scarlett Braden!" Royce interrupts, taking another sip of his champagne. He earns a few laughs from around the table, including me.

"Yes, yes she is; enjoy your evening," Ashton says, raising his glass to us and I just stare at him, wanting him to leave me be.

He finally retreats from our table and I let out a huge breath. I see some champagne set in front of me on the table and my mouth waters for it, although I've never tried it before, I take a big gulp, "That was strange, wasn't it?" Royce pikes up.

"Oh, i-it's just some weird, teenage boy that's confused," Mel says, while she flicks her hair over her shoulder and leans in towards Royce. I roll my eyes at her failed attempt to look sexy.

Okay, I'll admit; she didn't exactly fail...

Zach turns to me, "Can I talk to you?" I look at him innocently, not knowing what he'll want to speak to me about, but I nod otherwise.

"Excuse us," I say to everyone and they nod before turning back to their conversations. I get up slowly and follow Zach outside the corridors. I look around to make sure no one is in hearing radius before turning to him, "Sooooo... what's up?" I try to ask smoothly, but it just seems as if I'm hiding something.

I'm not good at lying.

Zach scratches the back of his head, while laughing uneasily and I can't to admire him when he stretches, making his torso outline in a...

I need to stop.

Why do boys always look so appealing when they stretch or scratch the back of their neck when they're nervous.

Wait; is he nervous? No, can't be... Why would he be nervous? If anyone should, it'd be me; I mean I practically took advantage of him when he was drunk for my own pleasure.

I'm such a terrible person!

"Uh..." he trails off, chuckling and I have a feeling he's going to mention the kiss. I squeeze my eyes close, while I wimp out at facing him and the truth, "How does that guy know you?" he finally says and i snap my eyes open.

Did he? He didn't mention the kiss...

Am I in the clear?

I clear my throat before letting out a dry laugh, "H-he knows Scar and he's been blackmailing her... he's bad news," I say sadly.

His eyes soften, "How is she? I mean I haven't heard anything from her; I mean usually when I save her from something like this, she would come over and we would... Um, how is she?" he says and my heart pangs. Great, he'd just had to rub it in my face that he and my sisters we're practically fuck buddies.

Fuck. Buddies.

I shiver at the thought before recaptivating myself, "She's fine; she took a vacation back home in California... she just left without informing anyone," I say sadly. I miss my sister, but I want her to go out and explore and find whatever she's searching for; whatever she's missing.

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