Chapter Thirty Four

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I entered my apartment swiftly. Aunt Mel was sitting on the couch, with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket wrapped around her, watching 13 Going on Thirty.

I shut the door behind me, capturing her attention, and she gave a faint smile, which was a step bigger than she's ever gave me, "Um, is Jonah here?" I ask quietly and she shakes her head no, "Scarlett?" She negated me again. I just nodded and begin to set my bags on the kitchen island.

Apparently I was sighing a lot and very moody because Mel spoke again, as she paused the movie, "is there something you wanna get off your chest?" She asked timidly. I stopped in front of the fridge, kinda curious as to why she's so interested in my life now.

I gave her a blank look, "don't take this the wrong way, but why do you care?" I asked not even bothering to be some fake person and just tell it how it is.

She sighs and motions me to come over, which I do, "I'm sorry," she admits and I just remain unfazed. I know she probably means it, but it doesn't exactly change anything, "your mom and I haven't had the best relationship... your father, was my ex boyfriend," well that was a surprise. Mom or dad never told me anything about this just that aunt Mel hates us, "he was my first love and he ended up with your mom... she did date him first, but I really thought he loved me, so basically what I'm trying to say is, I've held a grudge for a very long time, and I don't want to anymore," I wouldn't have realized it, if it wasn't for the dim lighting, allowing me to see her face, that she's crying.

"I'm so sorry, I've held this over you and your family for so long and I've never got the chance to say goodbye... to both of them," she says and before I know it, my arms are wrapped around her in a New York second.

Or minute? But it wasn't that long.

"I'm pretty sure she's forgiven you a long time ago, she's your sister, she loves you! If she didn't, I doubt she would've allowed Scar to come live with you. She trusted you and she saw qualities in Scar that she's seen in you," I say as I break away from her. She wipes her tears and laughs.

Aunt Mel really is beautiful and it pains me to see her cry, but at the same time, I'm so glad she did so she can finally release the pain and guilt she's been having for a long time, "I wanna be here for you and Scar, and even Jonah!" She giggles and I nod, "I want to make up for the years I've been distanced and a terrible aunt, that both of us know I have been," I find myself agreeing, not minding how she reacts.

"I want you here with me too, and I'm glad you are," I smile and hers fades.

"There's something else," she says quietly and my eyes questions her, "while you and Scarlett were away, I found out something,"


"About Elena... she- she isn't your birth mom," to say I was surprised would be an understatement. I feel like such a fool, but at the same time, I'm relieved because I wouldn't want another mom than the one I've had. It hurts to not know where exactly you came from, but that lady was a fraud and I'm glad I've never got the chance to know her.

Scarlett on the other hand... she's going to be devastated, "does Scarlett know?" I ask, angry at this woman for coming here to New York, pretending to be our mom, and for what? So she could get a free meal 3 times a day?

"Yes, I told her about an hour ago and she stormed off, and I tried to chase her down, but she said she wanted to be alone, so I allowed it. It may or may not have been the best idea, but I truly thought she needed some time to think," she says and it makes sense, but then again she does tend to do things that are really drastic when she's emotional.

"I have to find her, who knows what she could do," I say, getting up from my seat and grabbing my coat and wallet.

"Do you want me to come with you because I'd be happy too," Mel asks and I shake my head yes and I take her hand and run out of the apartment, heading out to go and save my sister.

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