The Crash Pt. 2

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Ellie's POV

I was walking for what seemed like hours. It had only been 5 minutes though, but hey, I am 3, I am not really that strong. 

I sat down on a bench after walking only 5 more minutes more. I cried. I cried for my parents, my brothers, and the gang. I think I broke my arm, but that doesn't matter right now, all that matters is finding my family. I decided I would take a break and nap until the sun woke up, and that's what I did.

It was around 5 AM when I heard people screaming my name, and I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I didn't bother opening my eyes, partly because I was scared how strangers knew my name, but oh, these guys were not strangers, they were my family. I opened my eyes fast and jumped onto Darry. I screamed in pain because of my arm, and Darry was squeezing me so hard I thought my eyes might pop. Darry quickly put me down when I screamed and he started to examine my body to check if I was hurt. I told Darry my arm, and he said I may have broken it. The gang all hugged me. Dally was the last one to hug me. He looked at me for a while, and I thought I may have saw a tear in his eye, but before I could get a better look, he picked me up and whispered in my ear, "I don't know what I would have done without you." I then got into Darry's car. Darry didn't have a car seat in his car so I sat on Soda's lap. "Sodie." I said quietly. "Where did Mommy and Daddy go?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "Oh baby..." Soda started with tears slowly falling down his cheeks. "Mommy and Daddy went on a business trip, and they won't be back for a while. "Oh." I simply said. I fell asleep hugging Soda with Pony caressing my hair. 

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