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"if i have to sit through another lunch of jessica and justin almost fucking on the lunch table i might move schools." monica complained as she stared at the couple as she dug her fork into her salad.

hannah looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes but then widened them as she stared at monica's food, "jesus mo are you trying to murder your salad?"

"i'd rather be stabbing jessica," monica seethed, angrily dropping her fork. she locked eyes with montgomery who waved and monica just rolled her eyes as she stared down at her food.

"mo, i actually wanted to talk to you about something if you're done stabbing your salad," hannah breathed out as monica pushed aside her tray. "remember how a few weeks ago tyler down was taking pictures of me from outside my window?"

"mhm," monica answered, still watching the two from across the lunch room.

"and how that picture of courtney and i went floating around the school and she completely ghosted me?"

monica scoffed, "well that's courtney crimson for ya. she's a bitch."

hannah leaned in and whispered, "i think she likes me but she's scared to admit it."

"wouldn't be the first time," monica sighed, crossing her legs, "she's liked a ton of girls, she just doesn't want to admit to herself that she doesn't play for the boys side. just be lucky nobody knows it's you and her yet."

"well now she's acting like nothing happened," hannah sighed, picking at her fries, "like everything back to normal. but it isn't normal for me, it feels weird and awkward."

as monica was about to reply back to her friend, a loud, booming voice interrupted her words, "MONICA DE LA CRUZ!"

monica searched the crowded lunch room until she spotted jeff atkins standing on one of the tables with a large sign in from of him. she stood up from her seat and walked over to the boy, a huge smile on her face. everyone stared at the two and she loved the attention. she hoped justin would love it too.

jeff held a blue and silver glittering sign in his hands, a cheeky smile plastered across his face. glitter stuck to his nose and in his hair as shook the sign. it read, "YOU'RE WORTH MELTING FOR, DON'T LEAVE ME FROZEN".

"will you go to winter formal with me?" jeff asked, a light blush forming over his cheeks.

monica hopped onto the table and yelled, "yes!"

she kissed him on the lips as people cheered from behind them, and once she pulled away, posing for snapchat photos and instagram, but looked back behind her to notice justin pulling jessica away from the lunch room in a hurried manner. it made monica smile.

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