8: t-tae?!?

34 2 0

1) awwwwwwwwwwww
4) I'll leave now



"Now sit your ass down and stay," El scolds from above me, pushing me down onto the cold coffee shop chair.

I furrow my eyes at her, crossing my arms like a pouting child, "I'm not 5, ya know."

She crosses her arms, mocking my tone, "You're 5. I know." She sticks her tongue out at me and I return it, making us both giggle.

She stays for a few minutes, laughing beside me, until I hear an, "Oh shit." And see her running and hiding in the nearby bathroom.

I look at the entrance to see a hot and sweaty Taehyung running in, giving me chills as I see him run this hand through his damp hair and looking around frantically until he spots me.

Oh shit.

His eyes light up and his box smile returns, conflicting my feelings, due to his sweaty but adorable state. He jogs over to me.

"Lisaaa!" He plops down in the chair opposite of me, almost falling off, making me laugh, unable to be worried anymore.

"Tae!" I hold my arms out to him and he awkwardly reaches over the table and hugs me, making me melt in his presence.


All I sense is comfort and familiarity.

He leans back, instantly hiding his face by looking at the ground and mumbling a 'sorry' just soft enough so I could hear.

He cuteness made me smile softly, making him look at me confused as I put my hand on his shoulder, mumbling back at the same tone, 'it's okay.'

The smiles from both of us continue for hours, causing my face to hurt like hell but my mind to not care.

I need him.

"... and that's why I will never, ever, go near zebras ever again." I finish saying as Taehyung and I both finish our 3rd milkshake.

"Wow," he chuckles, leaning back and holding his stomach, "Ugh, I think I drank too much."

I lean back, holding my achy stomach as well, "I agree."

"Um, excuse me?" I look over to the pretty waitress and sit up, "It's 8 at night. Closing time."

I turn over my phone quickly, looking at the time, realizing that we've been here for over 4 hours, "Shit... I'm so sorry. We'll get out of your way."

She smiles, "It's not a problem," She winks at me, leaning into my ear, speaking so only I could hear, "You and your boyfriend need to come more often."

I shake my head, protesting. She walks away before I could even explain.


Tae looks up at me, finally sitting up, "Do you want to go for a walk in the park?"

My eyes widen. I've always loved walks in the park. Something people don't usually ask me to do.

Not that people ever ask me to do anything with them anyways.

I get up, grabbing his familiar hand again, "Of course! I love walks in the park!" He laughs as I practically drag him out of the coffee shop, leaving a decent tip behind.

The lights at this time of night were as beautiful as always. Shining brightly and leading the way through the winding path filled with trees, vines, grass, and flowers. Taehyung never let go of my hand as we walked through, talking about nothing and everything, all at the same time.

I was barely paying attention to the words being said and more to the nature around us until he mentioned something I familiar.

"... went to the biggest middle school in Daegu."

I remember talking to my dad.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your first day in the biggest middle school in Daegu?"

I roll my eyes, "No need to be so dramatic. It was just school. We're leaving in a few months anyways."

He stands tall over me, placing his hands on my shoulders, "Ah, don't think of it like that, Pumpkin," He crouches to my level, "Who knows? We may always end up staying here for longer." He smiles at me as my eyes light up.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course, Sweetie," He ruffles my hair and stands up, walking over to his desk with me following, "Did you make any new friends yet?"

I nodded, hoping on the leather chair opposite him.

He looks at me, "And what's her name?"

I return his stare worriedly, knowing what his reaction and punishment would be. But it didn't matter. HE meant too much to me, "Him, actually. Kim Taehyung. He's my new best friend!"

I blink a few times to see a hand waving in front of my face, "Yooo, Lisa? You okay?" I turn to Taehyung, tears brimming my eyes. Before he could ask, I hugged him tightly. He returned it, probably even harder than I had.

I pull away, wiping my tears, "I'm sorry, Tae. I'm sorry I ever forgot you." His eyes widen as I hug him again.

And now I understood familiar.

"Lisa," He forces me out of the hug, still holding onto my shoulders, "Y-you remember me? B-but they said-"

"Of course I remember, Tae!" I giggle, wiping away the last of my tears.



How'd it gooo

Mostly well...

Wtf r u talking

She remembers him


He remembers
unresolved feelings

Don't you fucking
tell me that he
told her

Then I'd be lying

what happened after

You don't want to

I sure as hell
fucking do

I think it'd be
best if I worked
on this from now on

Tell me or I will
cause hell

She thinks that they dated
And he kissed her

Shit, don't do anything
I'll be over in 15

New bff's... kinda (BTS supposed to be a texting fanfic but I'm extra)Where stories live. Discover now