19: End?

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~Two Weeks Later~

Ding Dong!

"I'll get it!" El screams from the couch. I quickly set the bowl of chips I was holding onto the table and push her back down onto the leather, ignoring her groans of protest. I don't care if it's been two weeks. She isn't fully healed so she isn't moving from that couch.

I open the door to welcome in Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook, who all went into the living room where Taehyung had already been sitting playing games.

I roll my eyes teasingly and shut the door, "Not even a hello?"

Not a single one spares a glance as a few mumbled hellos were said. They immediately went back to arguing over the remotes and watching the screen.

I sigh as I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist and someone's chin rested onto my shoulder. I smile.

Yoongi kissed my cheek softly, "Hello~"

I grab his surprisingly cold hands, taking them off of me and turning around before wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning in slowly, "Hello to you too~" I feel his breath against my soft lips. I lean in, about to touch them when a knock is heard at the door.

Yoongi groans, stealing a quick peck on the lips before letting me go. I quickly open the door, my smile growing as Namjoon and Seokjin step in, holding hands tightly.

I squeal and everyone turns to face the new couple.

Namjoon speaks up, "Yes, we're making it official."

Hobi yells, not taking his eyes off the screen, "Congratulations! Its about fucking time,"

Our small party was loud as we were gathered into the living room, watching the youngest three and Hoseok play games and talking about anything and everything came to mind.

It was nice.

After so many years of my life not feeling complete, it felt nice to feel full again. I had my soulmate, my best friends, and the cutest gay couple/father figures that I could ever ask for.

I sat on the couch, Yoongi's arm wrapped around my shoulders when my cell phone rang.

"Oh, sorry," I say, looking at the unfamiliar number glowing across the screen, "I'll be right back."

I stand up and walk into the hallway, hearing the muffled noises of my friends in the room behind me. I quickly press then big green button and hold the phone up to my ear.


"Is this Miss Lisa Song?" The female's voice speaks quickly.

I hesitate, "Yeah, it is. And who is this?"

No one responds for a moment, the sound of shuffling on the other side of the phone before a new voice comes on. A male voice.

"Heya, Lisa. It's good to finally meet ya. Too bad it's not in person." The voice sent shivers down my spine. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like this.

"Who are you?"

The male chuckles, "Lemme introduce myself. Hey, I'm Leo Song, the new heir to Song Industries. And you're Lisa Song, my twin sister who never lived up to father's expectations."

I stare at the wall in shock, "W-what?"

"It's such a shame I have to kill ya before I can meet ya though. See ya never, sis. Adios."


New bff's... kinda (BTS supposed to be a texting fanfic but I'm extra)Where stories live. Discover now