11: 'get together'

18 1 0

I'm sorry

This is SUPER long.

Over 2.2k words, just for the actual story soooooo...

There's a semi-inappropriate scene at the end soooooo


Warning blah blah

Read at your own risk blah


I'm tired because it's already past 1:30 in the morning, meaning I've been awake for too long.


See ya later,





"Wait, wait, wait... you're telling me," Seokjin says as he points to himself, and then over to El, gasping dramatically, "That you slapped him?!?"

The nine of us were gathered on the floor, kind of in a circle, with El on my right and Taehyung on my left with Jimin to the left of him and Yoongi right beside El. By this point, all of the boys had at least a couple of drinks. Hobi only had two and is as wasted as I am whereas Yoongi has had four and barely affected.

"Ohhh," I slur, leaning onto El's shoulder as I'm sipping my drink, "I remember that! Didn't you tell the dude that I was your girlfriend?" I look at her, noticing the odd expressions from the boys around us.

El noticed them too, giving me that look, letting me know what was about to go down, "Oh yeah," She smiles at me with a slightly lustful look in her eyes, slightly touching the bottom of my chin before resting her hand on my thigh.

Let me tell you right now, we're both very much so against dating each other or anything like that. Her and I just both happened to take acting classes when we were younger, benefiting us right now as we mess the boys.

"I remember that night," She continues, glancing down at my lips, "That was the best night ever," She grins, leaning in.

I lean in seductively as well, watching the guys wide eyes and confused faces as we suddenly pull away, laughing our asses off. El starts laughing so hard that she's crying and falling onto my lap.

I turn to the boys, finally slowing down my laughing, "You guys are so duummbbb!"

She tries slowing down her laughing as well, "We're straight, dumbasses!" The boys laugh a bit as well, more feeling ashamed than anything.

Well, I'm not but whatever.

Taehyung smacks my arm as soon as El and I were sitting up straight again, "Lisaaa, you're mean!" I look over at the drunk 5 year old and hug him tightly.

"I'm sowwyyy," I mumble into his shirt.

"It's okayyyy," He smiles, letting go.

I see Seokjin and Namjoon sitting beside each other as Jinnie hits Joonies thigh with his hand, almost in tears, "Why are they growing up so fast? I remember when Taehyung was just a small little bean and-" he choked on his tears, causing a groan from Jungkook.

"What about me?" He points to himself, acting very childish, obviously getting jealous of where the attention was turning towards, "I'm younger than him!" He points to Taehyung harshly.

Namjoon awkwardly takes Jin's hand off of him, blushing slightly, "I know we're all drunk and stuff but could we, like, not fight right now?"

Hobi giggles, "Nooooo fightingggg!"

New bff's... kinda (BTS supposed to be a texting fanfic but I'm extra)Where stories live. Discover now