14: Shook

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I drop the black, uncased phone on to the ground, staring in utter disbelief. I freeze, my body stiffening, unable to move.

But you were the one to leave me...

The thought rolls around my head, confusing me more and more as El tries whatever she can to get me to speak to her, or at least move. I stare down into my empty hands and watch out of the corner of my eye as El picks up my phone, careful not to cut herself on the shatter glass and wiping it off completely, not touching it afterwards.

She puts a firm but loving arm around me after putting the broken phone into a plastic bag and into her purse, "Lisa, we need to leave. Now." I get up, following the guide of her arm, unable to think for myself as I keep thinking the same thoughts over and over.

You left ME.

"Lisa, you really gotta work with me here. We just need to leave, now. Please." I nod, speeding up my pace to match her quick one, curious as to why she's so worried but following her orders anyway.

We get into her shiny silver car and she drives away quickly, pulling up into a random McDonald's parking lot and putting my phone onto the ground, smashing it more with her heel, before putting it into the garbage and driving away again. I finally look at her.

"El, what's going on?" She keeps her eyes on the road, clenching her jaw tightly and gripping onto the steering wheel harder.

"I'm sorry. I don't have time to explain. We need to get you back into your house." She keeps a cold and serious face, terrifying me.

"But you promis-"

"I know. I'm sorry but I have to break it for now. I have things to do and your house and the boys will keep you safe," she looks at me lovingly for moment, "I can promise that."

"T-t-the boys???" I feel my heart beat faster and my head spin. This is too much for me, "I have no idea what's going on and you're about to drop me off with people I don't want to see right now and leaving me?!?"

She taps her thumb impatiently on the steering wheel as the light turns red, making us stop. She continually stares at the light, only taking a couple glances my way as she speaks, "I know. I'm sorry. I really want to be the one to explain everything to you but I don't have time," She sighs dropping her stiff arms a little and looking to me fully with eyes of sadness, "I'm sorry that I can't be there for you but I need to leave you. I have to do this. Please just trust me."

I feel a single tear roll down my cheek, the path left slightly warm, and nod as she smiles lightly and puts a calm hand on top of mine before returning to the steering wheel and driving again, her arms relaxing slightly. I watch and listen as she follows the roads leading to my home.

"The boys are going to tell you a lot at once, so don't be afraid. If you need them to slow down, just tell them, okay?" I watch her, seeing her face filled with sadness.

"O-okay..." I turn back, watching as she pulls into the long, narrow driveway and into the built-in garage, allowing me to get out and walk towards the door in a closed room that only a few people have the codes to get into, making it absolutely safe. She sits and waits, watching me and making sure I get inside safely. Before opening the door to my home, I rush back to the car, opening the driver's side door and hugging her tightly, "I'm scared." I feel my tears wet her shirt, feeling terrible about it.

She hugs me back before pushing me slightly, hinting that she has to leave me. I back away, wiping my tears with my shirt and waving slightly as she close the car door and begins to pull out of my garage as I open the door to my house, stepping fully inside.




I'm sorryyyyy.

I planned to update sooner and make this chapter longer but I messed up my storyline from how I had planned a week or two ago.

So, I kinda had to fix that.

Sorry again.

Anyways, I find it really funny that at first, I wasn't going to have much of a storyline, more of a funny texting thing where the main character might end up dating one of the boys of something but then it turned into this whole thing.

Damn, I'm so extra sometimes lol





Like, I'd really appreciate it.

Thank youuuuuuu

Love ya,


New bff's... kinda (BTS supposed to be a texting fanfic but I'm extra)Where stories live. Discover now