18: Hope

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"She has to wake up..." Lisa mutters as she sits on the uncomfortable hospital chair beside her best friend, "Yoongi?"

I glance at Lisa for a moment while sitting in a chair across the room from her before looking back to the bed where the lifeless girl lays, "Yeah?"

She pauses, hesitating slightly before speaking. She inspects the girl beside her, "I'm sorry."

I took a moment to soak in the genuine sorry, feeling very confused as I turned to her, "What?"

She turns to me, tears brimming her eyes, "I'm sorry." She shuts her mouth tight, wiping the tears out of her eyes before turning back to the bed.

I was about to ask why when a sudden gasp came from the bed, Lisa's eyes going wide.

She turns to me and I run out of the room, screaming for the nurse. The middle aged woman quickly follows with two other nurses, quickly ushering Lisa and I out of the room. They shut the door tightly as she turns to me, hugging me tightly and crying into my chest.

I stumble back slightly from the sudden contact but quickly recover, wrapping my hands protectively around her back and head. I rub her back gently for a few minutes until her sniffles die down and she pulls away, her face red and puffy. She turns herself, facing towards the others that had gathered around us and standing beside me, leaning into my chest slightly as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

I speak up, "She woke up."

The others keep the peaceful silence, glancing at the room every once in a while as we sat onto the chairs, waiting.


It was hours later when it was only Seokjin and I awake. Lisa had her head peacefully curled up into my lap on the dusty couch and the others were scattered about, sleeping quietly.

It was three in the morning

"Yoongi?" Jin said quietly to not wake the others.

"Yes, hyung?" My gaze softens as I pet Lisa softly, unable to stop myself from touching her fluffy hair.

"W-what does it feel like to be in love?" He clears his throat, an obvious blush forming across his face.

I glance at him in confusion.

Hyung? In love? With who?

"Uh, well... there's really not a good way to explain it..." I look down at Lisa, hearing Jin's sigh as I speak again, "It's... it's what you'd expect it to be. Everything about them... it's just perfect." I smile, "She's perfect..."

I tear my eyes away to see Jin tearing up a bit. My smile fades as I watch him wipe his hot tears away, "Jin hyung? What's wrong?"

He flashes a bitter smile, speaking so softly that I could barely hear him, "He's perfect..."

I smile, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He doesn't need to tell me; I already know, "Namjoon, right?"

I glance at him, smirking as I notice his blush, "N-namjoon? No..."

I laugh quietly, "Hyung, it's obvious. Well, to me anyways. Why don't you just talk to him?"

He looks at me with wide eyes and fear, "D-does he even know I'm gay?"

I wrap my hand across Lisa's waist, "Do you remember last year, at Christmas, when we all got pretty wasted?"

Seokjin nods slowly.

"Well, you kind of... talked a lot." I chuckle as he groans, running his hands through his hair.

"Fuck... what do I do?" He looks at me with plead in his eyes. He was scared, I could tell.

"First of all, you need some sleep. Second, just talk to him," I smile, "I promise it'll be worth it."

During last year's christmas party, Seokjin outted himself to everyone and Namjoon told me he was pretty sure he was in love with Jin... and I know that hasn't changed.

"Well," I interrupt the science, "I'm going to sleep. Just talk to him, okay?"

He nods, "Thank you."



I woke up early in the morning to feel an arm around my waist and a slight shifting above my head. I glance up to see Yoongi with his eyes shut and mouth slightly parted.


I quietly and carefully take his arm off of me, making sure I don't disturb the others. Well, besides Namjoon and Jin, who seemed to be missing. I shrug and knock softly on the door to El's room, opening it to see her flipping through channels on the remote.

She looks at me with tired eyes and smiles, gesturing me to sit beside her. Without a word being said, I lay on top of the covers with my hand holding hers as we watch the screen.

After a while, she turns her head slightly towards me, her voice raspy after not speaking for so long, "Thank god it's finally over."

I glance towards her, "What exactly happened? All I know is that you got shot and my drug dealing father is dead."

She laughs at my casual tone before responding, "Well, that's pretty much what happened."

"But... who brought you here?"

She sighs, "Someone who lived at the house," She turns onto her side, facing towards me and groaning a bit, "All that matters is that the both of us are safe, right?"

I nod and she smiles.

"Now, please tell me that you and Yoongi have kissed already," She winks at me.

I roll my eyes and blush slightly, "No. Why would you even say that?"

She smiles, "I know that you remember him. I know you too well. And don't think I didn't see you two all cuddled up this morning."

I push her gently, "Oh, shut up."

We laugh for a few moments, "Hey El?"


"Did you see where Jin and Namjoon went? They weren't there when I woke up this morning."

She smiles, "I have no doubt in my mind that they're having sex right now."

My eyes widen as I sit up, staring at her, "Ew! I don't need to know that! And how would you even know that?"

She sits up slightly, "I woke up in the middle of the night when Yoongi and Jinnie were talking. But, for the sake of his pride, I'll let him tell you when he's ready."

I groan, "That's not fair."

She smiles, ignoring my frustration, "I love youuu~"

I lay back down beside her, cuddling into her side, "Love you too."




Also, if this story gets popular enough and it's wanted, the next chapter will also be a set up for a sequel.

*winks with both eyes but manages to fuck that up like everything else in life*



This has been semi entertaining to write but it's also pretty terrible so if you made it this far, I'm sorry for wasting your time 😂

Well, I'm going to attempt to sleep but fail so I will see you all later 😊



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