12: amnesia

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I always seem to forget...

When it comes to drinking, I have the worst day after.

Typically I wake up with regret, anger, sadness, guilt, headaches, and/or the need to puke.

This morning was different.

I couldn't remember anything.

And it was fucking terrifying.

I woke up this morning with the sun trickling in through my window, making my pounding headache even worse. The first thing I did was lean over and puke into the nearby garbage can. I stood up to go into my bathroom when realizing that my clothes were recklessly thrown about the floor and I was wearing a guy's baggy t-shirt and a pair of underwear.

The girl in the mirror looked disgusting.

I had smudge marks from makeup I don't remember putting on and my hair tangled to no end, making it look like a lion's mane. The bags under my eyes seemed unavoidable and my chapped lips almost hurt from how dry they've become.

And there was a massive hickey on my neck.

What the hell happened to me?

I look at the shirt again nervously and back to the bed, where no one else was. The opposite side had been warm when I woke up, indicating that someone had in fact been there until not too long ago.

But who?

I hear a knock on my bedroom door, "It's just me," I hear El say through the door, groaning as she spoke, "Can I come in?"

I rush to the door, opening it and closing it quickly behind her as she looks at my neck and clothing with wide eyes. I noticed the bags under her eyes as well.

"Shit. Lisa, who was in here last night?" She stands still, only turning to watch me as I run my hand through my hair, pulling in back as I walk over and sit down onto the bed, looking at the ground.

"I have no fucking idea," I look up at her, tears in my eyes, "Do you think I actually..." I cut myself off, unable to speak more as the tears run down my eyes, making my starting migraine worse.

"Does your stomach or vagina hurt?" She asks straight forwardly, sitting down and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, her free hand rubbing my shoulder gently.

I blush slightly, mumbling, "Not at all."

She half laughs at me, "Then, no. You didn't."

I sigh in relief as her hand pulls away slowly and I fall onto my bed, her doing the same, "Then what happened?"

The room stays silent for a few moments, "I can't remember much."

I sigh as she suddenly gasps, "Holy shit. Don't you remember who was going to all be in your room?" She sits up, looking down on me as I shake my head before proceeding, "It was supposed to be me, you, and... Taehyung."

My eyes widen as I sit up, lifting the shirt slightly. She notices my gesture and nods, assuring me that this shirt must be Tae's.

"But," I look up at her with fear, "I would never do anything like th-"

"That doesn't mean shit," She interrupts, "I don't think you've ever gotten that drunk before. You never know what could happen when your drunk," She laughs as I push her, causing her to fall off the bed and for me to laugh as well.

As she's getting up, a knock is heard at the door, "Lisa?" I immediately recognized the voice, "It's Taehyung. I was wondering if I could come in."

I look at El and she looks at me for a moment before scrambling to get off the ground and into my closet, shutting the door as quietly as possible.

"Just a second!" I half yell, causing me to groan and hold my head while picking the clothes up off the floor and changing into a new set of pajamas, one of my own.

I open the door a crack to see Taehyung holding a tray with a plate of food and two cups, One with water and one with coffee. His hair was messy as well and the bags under his eyes were heavily noticable. I immediately let him in, acting as I wasn't just freaking out for the past ten minutes.

"Hey, Tae," I smile fakely, feeling like I'm about to die, knowing that something must've happened last might while I was blackout drunk.

He gave me his signature smile, careful to not spill anything as he set the tray down on the table beside my bed, sitting down on the end of the bed, facing me, "Lisa? Can we talk?" He stares at the floor as I nod hesitantly, sitting down beside him.

He sighs, staring at the ground for a few seconds before looking up at me, "Do you remember?"

I blush, looking down, "R-remember what?"

I feel him watching me as he responds, "Last night. Do you remember?"

I sigh, falling back onto my bed and looking at the ceiling, not even caring anymore, "The last thing I even remember is you guys getting to my house and everything after is fuzzy. I have no idea what happened, "I sat up quickly, feeling dizzy for a moment before speaking again, "But if you know why I woke up this morning in your shirt, I would greatly appreciate answers." I roll my eyes, glaring at him.

By his look, he remembers everything.

I wait for him to speak, getting angrier and more pissed off by the second. He knows. I don't. I need answers, "Taehyung, I swear. If you don't fucking tel-"

"We didn't sleep together, I promise." He keeps his head low, "You wanted to but I made us stop."

I stayed silent.

I... wanted to?

"Continue." I continue staring straight forward at my closet, knowing that El was getting all of this.

"Well, I saw you naked-"

I push him off the bed and he hits the ground hard, whining from the impact, "Ow..."

I cross my arms, rolling my eyes, "Stop complaining, asshole."

He sits up, rubbing his arm, "Why are you mad at me?"

I growl, standing up from the bed, "Because I was fucking drunk!" I yell, causing me to stop for a moment and holding my head, Taehyung doing the same, allowing me enough time to grab my hoodie by the door, sliding it on and walking out.

I ignore the other groans throughout the house as I stomp through, finding and grabbing my phone from the kitchen counter, slipping on shoes and opening the door.

"Noona? Are you okay?" I hear Jungkook from behind me, causing me turn around, the door still wide open.

I sigh, looking down, "I don't think so, Kook... Tell everyone that I don't know when I'll be back so don't ask."

And with that, I leave, slamming the door shut.

What a great start to the day after...



Sorry I didn't post sooner. I've been so busy the past week or so.

I promise the next will be up as soon as possible and I plan for it to be longer, to make up for the wait 😊


I gtg.

Love you all,


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