part 2. hybrids are humans to

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When we pulled in the driveway sam woke up.
"Where are w-we?"
"My house. Would you like to stay with Colby?"
His eyes lit up and he smiled and nods
"Y-yes please"
His stomach grumbled
"S-Sam still hungry" I giggled and got him out of the car
"Now sam theres a lot of us living in this house. It could be a lot "
He got the first glimpse of the house
"Whoa this h-house is huge! Is c-colby and corey rich?"
Corey laughed. I think he's finally warming up to sam.
"Something like that I guess"
We walked through the doors and immediately greeted by circa and buddy. I forgot about the dogs. Corey kept them down and sam started shaking
"Whats the matter sam?"
"D-dogs don't like h-hybrids"
"Its OK sam the wont hurt you" I let him down and circa and buddy came up sniffing him making him laugh.
"It t-tickles"
"See I told you. That is circa and Buddy "
"I know"
"What do you mean?"
"Hybrids can understand animals to"
"Whoa that's cool" corey said i agreed.
Aaron then came down and sam latched on my side.
"Hey guys though I heard another voice..." He looked at sam
"You...colby we..."
"Shhhhh can i talk to you in private about this" I whispered to him he nods seeing how afraid sam looked
"Sam this is aaron. Aaron this is sam"
He seemed a little stand offish like he did with Corey.
A lot of people are very closed minded when it comes to hybrids. I don't blame them. but still. hybrids are humans to.
I wondered if Aaron smelled bad or good to him.
"Aaron smells b-bad"
"It's OK buddy I'm sorry I was just surprised when i saw you that's all"
Buddy went to his dad happy as can be.
"Because s-sam a hybrid?"
He nods
"But any friend of colby is a friend of mine" he smiled and his tail moved back and forth
"C-colby s-sam friend?" I nod
"Of course!"
"I've never had a f-friend other hybrid like to make fun of s-sam because s-sam is smaller than most hybrid" poor kid I felt bad for him
"Let's go meet the rest of the house and get ready for bed"
He nods
"S-sam tired" 
I giggled at his cuteness and ruffles his hair. we go to the garage where elton normally is.
"Uncle Elton we have a surprise"
He looks up and sees sam and was very welcoming to sam.
"Oh. hi there!I'm Elton and who is that cutie"
"I'm Colby".
Everyone laughed
"No the other one Colby "
"I mean corey is pretty cute" he winks
"But I mean the one who I haven't meet before"
Sam blushes
"I'm s-sam!"
Elton ruffles his hair "nice to meet you sam " he starts to purr
Gosh he's so cute his blue eyes are absolutely breath taking.
"Is it OK if sam stays with us for a while?"
"Of course! More the marrier!"
He Laughs and his stomach grumbled.
"S-sam hungry"
I giggled
"Let's get some food ya?" He nods and holds my hand as we Walk to the kitchen.
I got some leftover pizza and heat it up.
He again devowered every last piece. Im going to have to work on his eating. he has been eating cat food his whole life his stomach I'm sure won't be reacting to human food well
"Do you want a bath?"
He shakes his head
"S-sam HATES baths"
"Well we have to get you washed up. you will feel a lot better after"
He hesitates.
"I promise" he finally agrees.
"Fine "
I smiled I walked him upstairs and shows him my bathroom
"first let me clean out your scraps. It may hurt but I won't be to bad" he nods as i got a wet wash cloth and Dabs it on his open wounds and I put a bandaid over it. I got him a towel and left him alone to take a bath. Later he comes out in his old clothes
"Colby right. it s-sam feels better"
I smiled
"Good I'm glad"
I bring out a pair of my old p.js that I dont wear anymore i cut a hole in them for his tail and he put them on
"They smell like c-colby. sam likes colbys s-smell". i smiled at his cuteness and showed him his room.
Before I showed him his bed he barfed all over the floor.
Human food. sam started crying
"Why are you crying what's wrong?"
"S-sam didn't mean to make a mess. p-please don't hurt s-sam!" I gave him a sad smile and hugged him
"Its OK sam. Its not your fault. your tummy just isn't used of human food yet. we probably should start slowly OK? I'll get some cat food tomorrow and we will work our way up to human food OK?".
he nods and had a sad look on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"S-sam like human food" I laughed
" its not forever we just have to get your stomach used to it. it will probably be a while though"
"Does t-this mean sam is staying for a while??"
"If you want. we can go out tomorrow and adopt you" he nods and smiles
"s-Sam would like that" I smiled
"OK deal. Now get some rest. you have a big day tomorrow he lays on the floor and i gave him a weird look
"you can lay on the bed you know"
"Yes. here sam is human"
He started puring as he curls up on the end of the bed
"Goodnight sam"
I kissed his head.
"Goodnight c-colby"
I then went to my room and got ready for bed as well.
I layed in bed thinking about our crazy adventure today.
Sam is so cute and I will protect him forever.
Soon enough the thought of sam slowly put me into a dreamless sleep 

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