part 12 scary school

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Sam and corey got home with a bunch of bags i ran up and hugged sam
"Oh my lord i thought you were fucking gone don't ever do that to me"
He hugged me back
"Remind me about getting you a phone before you start school"
He nods
"S-sorry I scared you Colby"
I gave him a smile "its ok I'm just glad your safe" i yawned still feeling tired
"We got you energy drinks seeing as you slept the day away and will now have to get your sleeping schedule back on track"
"Oh my gosh you guys are actual life savers" he handed me a bag then Elton on
"There's another bag I figured you can split it"
"Damn corey we don't need this many" Elton said laughing.
Sam also had a bag of clothes corey must have took him out shopping again which I've also been meaning to do.
"Thanks for taking him out cor"
"No problem. We had fun didn't we say" he pated sams back as we all walked inside.
"Hey sam is it alright if we talk about school?" He nods and we go in the other room.
"So Felicity was saying something about hybrid High where all the Cat hybrid go to school Kat goes there and I waa wondering if that would be ok with you"
He nods excitedly
"Yes that's f-fine. sam never gone to s-school so im e-excited to see what its like. " he still will talk in the third person sometimes and it was fucking adorable.  
"But s-sam also nervous other h-hybrids wont like me"
I gave him a small smile
"Your amazing sam I'm sure they will like you" he gave me a smile
"Ok I'm going to sign you up. you can go do whatever sam's do" he nods and runs in the other room playing with the dogs.
I signed him up for school and got everything ready for him. we got some new school clothes and you know all the school things. And before we knew it, it was his first day.
I work him up and hour before we had to leave. I pulled him in my room and gave him a quick kiss
"Good luck today "
"Thanks c-colby"
He gave me a nervous smile as well leave for the day.
God I feel like a mother dropping her kindergartener off school for their first day. I swear if anyone picks on my baby...
Sam's p.o.v.
Nervousness arose as we pull up to the school. hybrids took over. i had a weird lump in my throat as the car came to a stop.
"Hey look at me " i turn around to face Colby. my nerves immediately melted away when I looked in his big blue eyes.
"Everything will be ok and work out time ok? I got you something" he pulled out a new phone and handed it to me. I wasn't quite sure what to do but I'll figure it out.
"Mine and all the roommates numbers are in it. if anything happens give us a call" I smiled
"Thanks so m-much colby"
He smiled back.
"ill pick you up here at 3. they said to go to the main office first and they will show you to your first class do you need help finding it?" I do badly wanted to scream yes. but I didn't want anymore looks that I was about to receive
"No I s-should be fine"
"Ok love good luck " i stepped out of the car as colby drove off nervousness arose in my stomach as all eyes landed on me. I searched the crowd for a familiar face. 
Aka Kat I couldn't find her. I walked inside when the whispers started. Tears stung in my eyes i hated being center of attention.
I walked up the stairs to the main doors. i walked in where there were more hybrids waiting. finally I spotted Kat sitting reading a book. relieved seeing a friendly face she saw me and ran up to me and hugged me
"Sammy!!! Im so glad you came here!!"
I smiled
"Ya I'm j-just glad I know s-someone"
She smiled
"could y-you show m-me to the main office p-please?" She politely agreed and grabbed her stuff showing me the office.
"Ill see you around Sam first bell is about to ring "
I thanked her and walked in the door
All the adults where also hybrids this was pretty cool
"How can I help you?"
The lady greeted me with a friendly smile.
"Uh..i-im sam g-golbach. im here for my f-first day"
"Ah ok give me a second to get your schedule "
She sorted through files as the bell went off
It made me jump but colby explained how it worked last night.
the lady had a folder with papers in it
"Well sam I'm mrs.bell and ill show you to your first class heres your schedule you go by every day. and there is also a map of the school. if you need anything you can come back to the office and ask for me or ask a teacher along the way. they normally stand in the hall between periods so they won't be hard to miss. so your first class is science with Mr. room 245. This is also your locker number and combination again if you need help don't be afraid to ask" she pointed to my class on my schedule
"Follow me" we walked down the hall all eyes on me again. I looked down as Mrs.bells heels clicked against the floor. we went upstairs and took a right the classroom was right there
She walked in and the whole class was already there as well as the teacher.
"Mr. Falcons?"
He turned his head
"Ah yes my new student come on in!"
He was older and had glasses once again all eyes on me. Mrs. Bell left leaving me alone in this scary school.
I searched the room and there was no familiar faces. tears stung my eyes again. I was so scared. I want colby.
"Sam correct?" I nod as he pulls me out of my thinking.
"Ok awesome class please welcome your new classmate. You can take a set next to Jake right there in the front" I gave him a small smile and sat next to him. Jake had a weird color hair it was part blonde and the roots were brown. he had orange cat ears and tail. and he had brown eyes.
We went through the lesson and suddenly the bell rang
I packed up my stuff and walked out. I started to search for my next room when jake came up to me
"Your the new kid right?"
I smiled and nod
"Y-yup that's me"  I mentally facepalmed myself for being so awkward
"Cool dude. where's your next class?" I looked it over
"Uhh. english with mrs. Friendly room 132"
"Woah that's right next to my room. do you need help finding it?" i nod not knowing anywhere to go"that would b-be great thanks"
After english it was speach to help with my studder then lunch. lunch we were able to have our phones out so I pulled mine out and saw I had a text from colby
From colby- how's it going?"
To colby- great I made a new friend!
I was so proud of myself being able to make a friend. corey is the only other friend I have.
I sat down and pulled out my packed lunch since Colby is still iffy on me having human food he packed me some hybrid food.
I sat alone for a few minutes until jake noticed me and came to sit next to me. and soon Kat joined as well
Kat: "ugh. you two know each other already?"
Jake:" uh. yea we have science together. how do you know each other"
Kat gave me a nervous look"long story"
I continue to eat my food as I listened to Kat and Jake talk.
"You ok sam your pretty quiet"
"Uh y-ya im fine. I j-just don't have much to say I g-guess"
Jake:"anyway are you guys going to the fall formal?" It was fall time the air was getting cooler and im just glad Colby found me before the cold did.
Kat:" of course i am this is our first dance !"
"W-whats a dance?" I asked curious. then 2 large hybrid come up to us both males one flicked the back of my head
"What's with the s-studer new boy" one of them said as the other laughed.
I rubbed my head and Kat rolled her eyes
"Leave him alone guys he's new"
"Ya seriously leave him alone" Kat and Jake said defending me.
"God he's so stupid he doesn't even know what an dance is! And God what is that smell?!" He leaned down and smelled my food
"Its whatever that shit is!?" The other said holding his nose. I sunk back in my chair not liking this feeling. Kat angrily stood up
"Leave him alone!"
"Oh and what are you doing to do princess?!"
"Don't call me princess" she held her hand in her fist
"You here protecting your little boyfriend huh " one of them got in her face soon they were stopped when a bigger hybrid who had a lot of muscles and brown hair with really pretty green eyes with black and white cat ears and tail
"Guys leave the poor kid alone. this isn't how we greet our new hybrid high students" the other boys backed off as soon as he stood up.
"Sorry Brennen" the both mumbled
"Now go be fools somewhere else." They ran off
"I'm sorry about them. I'm Brennen. Brennen Taylor" he smiled at me and put his hand out I shook it
"And who are you pretty boy"
He winked at me Making Kat roll her eyes again
"S-sam golbach"
"Go flirt with someone else Brennen"
"calm down Kat. I just wanted to welcome our new student i'll see you around sam" he waved at me and left.
Who. was. that.

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