part 23

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A/n - hey y'all im starting to get stuck with this story your suggestions would help a lot. Send me some of your ideas thank You!!
Sam fell right asleep i smiled at his cuteness when the nurse came in
"Visiting hours are over you need to leave"
"No you don't understand he's been through a lot and really needs me here if not he....." Sam starts to wake up
"No need to get upset sir i'll talk to the doctor. " she called the doctor and she came in
"Oh yes i told him he can stay"
I smiled and thanked them
And sank back in my seat sam went back asleep.
I tried to close my eyes but everytime i did Colby being shot played in my head. I was still covered in his blood that has dried to my clothes. I cringed thinking of what happened. I couldn't sleep I left a note next to sam and decided to go back and sit with the others. They were pretty much the only ones there with another man a few seats down.
"Any word"
They tiredly shake there head it was now 1 am we havent heard anything. Kat was asleep on Felicitys shoulder covered in Felicity's jacket
"Aren't you cold Felicity?" She shook her head
"Nah im all good" aaron seemed stressed out and kept running his hands through his hair
"Aaron" he looked up and i nodded outside he walked up and followed me outside
"Its all my fault" he mumbled
"All of this is..."
I didn't want to disagree because it was his fault he should feel bad for what hes done. I just have one question
"Why "
He looked at me
"Why did you do it?"
He shrugged...
"I think I was had Amanda at the time...corey has Devyn and I had Colby well not in that way because I'm straight but in a way he was the only one who understood the loneliness of being single and we would stay up hours talking about it and when sam came in the picture he took that away...i was ."
"You were left alone"
He nods. my stomach tanged at the though of Amanda. we fell apart and that's why we broke up its been a while but I'm not over it yet.
I gave him a hug understanding whi he did what he did
"Its not an excuse and I understand if the house hates me after this I'll even move if.."
"Hey aaron its ok we will figure it when we all get home OK? I just wanted to know why you did what you did. Colby Is an understanding guy if you explain what happened I'm sure he will understand"
I gave him another hug and my phone started to go off. It was corey
"Get in here colby is ok"
hear hung up and I looked at aaron
"He's OK"
"Oh thank god . " we walked back in
"Only one can see him at a time" everyone went in at seprate times except aaron and Kat we thought it would be a bad idea to let them alone with colby At this minute. i was last i walked in and colby was laying on the bed
"Hey there buddy"
He gave me a week smile color drained from his face
"Hey Elton" he caughed. I blinked and all i could see is a pool of blood around him.
"How did you....?"
"she shot me in the shoulder. Where's sam?"
"He got checked out also hes really dehydrated and they wanted him to stay a night. which reminds me i should go back and see how he's doing im glad your doing better" he smiled and went back to sleep the others got a hotel room and i went back to Sam's room. I couldn't sleep that night. i was the one who asked colby to go. and now he's suffering because of it. I sighed as the sun came up sam woke up around 8am i pretend to be sleeping as he woke up. I felt his eyes on me. After a while i decided to 'wake Up ' "Morning sammy" i ruffled his hair making him smile
"M-morning elty "
I blushed when he called me that.
"I have good news!"
" do i get to see Colby!"
I smiled at how happy he is
"Yes! He's ok now but we have to wait until the doctor comes in and discharge you" he sighed and nodded.
His color came back in his face. he could use a good shower and non hospital food and he wilk slowly come back to normal the doctor came back in
"Alright sam. how you feeling this morning?"
"A lot b-better" he smiled
"That's good to hear. We will discharge you in about half a hour OK?" He nods the run some more test and he was able to leave. we sit in the waiting room as sam cuddles up to me and falls back asleep. At this moment I was happy and for a split second though that sam was mine. he was peacefully asleep on my shoulder. i wish i didn't care so much about them...i wish sam could be mine....
In the morning sam was allowed to see colby. excitement was pearcing through his blue eyes. I was happy for the little blonde. but sad as it reminded me that he will never be mine. I let sam go alone i thought it would be more appropriate.
Colby's p.o.v.
I went through all of this for sam and they still wont let me see him.
I almost died for him...I love this boy so Goddamn much. 
I sighed just wanting to see him i didn't sleep last night I know Elton likes sam. i can see it on his face every time he looks at him. and Elton stayed with sam last night.
I'm not jealous not jealous at all...
Suddenly there was a knock on my door
"Come in" I said. Soon the small blonde haired hybrid came in my view
"C-colby?" Tears pricked my eyes as he comes practically running to me and hugs me he just starts sobbing I choke back my tears
"Shhhh baby its OK im here now"
"I w-was so scared....i didn't t-think I'd see you again . "
He sat next to me on my hospital bed
"Its OK i know I'm sorry it took so long love but we are together now " he smiled he looked rough. the blue in his eyes were replaced with a dark gray. which only happens when he's sad. They slowly became blue again throughout the course of the day. were stayed cuddling all day. Then the reminder of aaron the one who separated us popped in my head I became angry. he wasnt here. but god I'm going to fuck him up when I see him next....

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