part 13

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A/n just another reminder that Aaron is just a sweet little bean and don't hate on him please this is just for the story thank you!
I was left in awe
"Ugh. Ignore Brennen. He flirts with every guy. I wouldn't get your hopes up on him. He's kinda a player " kat said as Jake rolled his eyes
"Well 1: you think every guy flirts with everyone and 2: you think everyone guy is a player"
God. Kat and Jake fight a lot.
"How do you know what I think?!"
Before it got more intense the bell saying lunch was over rang and everyone packed Kat had the next class with me which was Math so she walked me there. After math was my last class of the day. History.
I walked in and saw Brennen. My cheeks went red as he flagged me to come sit next to him.
I did as i was told
"T-thanks for earlier" I said as I sat down.
"No problem" he winks at me making me blush again. After that class it was finally time to go home.
It was a long day meeting people and being nervous all day drained the life out of me. I met were colby said he was going to pick me up. Brennen came up and said bye to me. And soon Jake did the same.
Colby soon pulled up when Kat came out as well
"See ya later sam! Hi colby!" Kat waved to colby and walked the other way.
I got in the car as colby greeted me
"soooo how did it go" he said as he pulled away from the school. "it was alright I guess"
"Do you like it?"
Other than the bullies..
He smiled
"Good I'm glad everything went well. "
We got back to the house as i told Elton and corey my school experience i told them about Brennen and Jake. I just didnt mention the whole thing that happens at lunch. I don't want colby to worry about me.
"so did anyone pick on you..."
Elton asked and I looked down.
Elton pulled me aside in the garage
"I know your lying sam. You don't hide it very well"
I blushed as tears stung my eyes
"Well there was just o-one incident but its ok. Brennen stuck up and h-helped me"
I didn't realize I was crying. I guess all the emotions of today caught up to me. Elton hugged me as I cried
"Did you tell colby?"
I shook my head in his chest
"N-no. i want to go back i don't want him to worry"
I pulled away as Elton put his hands on my cheeks and whipped away my tears.
"Its ok buddy. i understand colby would probably freak out if he found out you got hurt. you can tell me though I'm not going to tell anyone ok. just tell me if it keeps happening"
I nod and hugged him again. he rubbed circles on my back calming me down. Circa came running in and jumped up on me. I laugh and turned around and played with her. Corey came in and smiled at the sight
"Hey y'all. colby wanted to call go out for dinner to celebrate Sam's first day!"
"Oh God corey im down but never say Y'all again"
He made a discussted face as we walked out of the garage.
I ran up and hugged Colby.
Devyn came down the stairs as well as Aaron. we all got in the cars and left
Aaron didn't say much the whole time we are out. when we got to the restaurant I saw Brennen there with his family who also where all hybrids. He smiled and winked at me I blushed and sat down with the rest of the group
"Hey pretty boy! Nice to see you out of school"
Brennen greeted me and gave me a hug. he introduced me to his family as i introduced him to the group.
I loved over at colby and he just looked annoyed. and so didn't Elton. devyn had her eyebrows raised as well as corey.
And aaron just didn't care
"Well I'll see you around at school ya have a nice dinner" he waved at the group and left the restaurant. I felt my cheeks get hot as the group started asking questions
"Pretty boy huh?"
"H-he calls everyone that" I said going off what Kat told me.
"I saw that wink what was that"
"He is pretty " Devyn said and winked at me. my face was as red as a tomato. I looked over at colby who had his fist in a ball. and his teeth were clenched. his other hand was under the table so i grabbed it and and gave it a squeeze. he turned over and mouthed sorry to me.
I gave him a greatful smile when our food finally came. I was so happy colby let me order whatever i wanted since it was a special occasion and were have been doing good with the hybrid food.
**after food**
"Man I'm stuffed" corey said and burped we Walked out as he out his arm around Devyn"me to. I don't think i can eat another thing" we all got in the cars and left.
"Hey i was thinking about meeting with Felicity again if your ok with that?" Sam said I nod
"Ya that's fine "
"She had some news for us so I thought I'd go see what was up we will go after school tomorrow ok?" I nod. Tomorrow was Friday and i guess we don't go to school on weekends. I was happy I could get a break I liked school don't get me wrong.
I'm just nervous and scared the whole time. its a whole new world for me speaking to other hybrid I'm so afraid to mess something up or say something stupid.
We went back home exhausted I went straight to my room bumping into Aaron along the way
he pushed me while I was on top of the stairs making me stumble down them. I landed on my arm and i screamed the whole house was there in seconds
"Aaron what the hell!?"
"it wasn't me! We were both on our phones when I was coming down he was coming up and i accidentally ran into him!"
"Sam is this true"
I nod trying to pull myself back up colby came down to help me
"Y-ya...that's true..." I said and gave them a fake smile.
Elton looked at me in away he knows I'm lying but I brushed it off.
"Sorry a-aaron i guess I should have looked where I was going " he didn't say anything he just walked away.
Every one went back to what they were doing as Colby helped me up the stairs
"Does anything hurt?" He examined me as well got to his room
"My wrist hurts a l-little bit" I said holding my wrist.
He took a hold of it and moved it up and down then side to side
"Does any of that hurt?" I flinched when he went side to side answering my question.
"Its a little swollen but I think yiu should be fine. I'll run down and get some ice on it. if swelling doesnt go down by morning we will run you to the doctor ok? He nods and gets me the ice. before he came back up I was already sound asleep.

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