part 21

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We drove all night long and couldn't find him. Feeling defeated I went back home Elton shortly behind me.
God this was all my fault. I slept the next day Felicity and corey went out the next day to find him. Nothing. We made a post on youtube asking our fans if they find anything to let us know immediately.
We called the police but they weren't much help I guess the situation wasn't that bad so they werent going to do an invitation.
I didn't sleep i didn't eat. I wasn't myself i could feel myself slipping. I knew it would be dangerous for me and sam to be together but now its affected everyone.
Aarons p.o.v.
Guilt started to settle in when colby came down he didn't say hi like his normal peppy self. He just always was in a daze. He doesn't eat he always looking for Sam. The next day Sam still didn't make a decision. So I sold him to his old owner.
I didn't feel great about it...
OK I feel like shit.  
When i saw sam's face when his old owner showed up I felt like an ass.
My parents grew up with the whole hybrid are bad so that's what I grew up with i wishing I haven't....the guilt was eating me alive. I was about to break any moment...
Kat's p.o.v.
After talking to aaron i think hes starting to feel guilty about the whole thing and i am to after seeing colby the other day he cares so much about that hybrid he does nothing but search for him eating and sleeping Was replaced with walking and calling his name. I am about to break I cant take it anymore i don't care if me and Aaron go to jail. Sam and Colby are miserable and its my fault. well Aaron fault to but i could have said something and i didn't..... Jake is also a mess he doesnt talk to anyone anymore he just sits alone at lunch the whole school is on the look out for this boy.
Sam's p.o.v.
im back with my old owner and i don't like it its now winter time so its cold 24/7 where I'm staying. I'm wearing Colby's shirt I never take it off i miss everyone. I write to keep me sane mainly notes I pretend to send out to the house i wonder how everyone is doing if they even miss me or even looking for me.
"Come on sam your going out today" thank god I'm tired of sitting here and letting my thoughts consume me.
Colby's p.o.v.
Christmas is in a few weeks. I'll be going back home in a week go visit family a time sam was supposed to meet my family. I can't stop blaming myself the whole house is dead. Elton also stopped talking to us he just baracade himself in the garage i took a break from youtube as everyone understands I'm going through a lot
My phone buzz as I got a call from Felicity I got to answer it as aaron comes down in front of me
"hold on aaron Felicity called"
I answered
"I know where sam is!"
Relief filled my body
"Wait how what?!"
"Look online your tagged in a ton of photos. !"
I looked at Aaron and put her on speaker as i looked through my tagged photos.  He's at a target but no were near L.A.
"Felicity I have to go " I hung up as I search through my phone several of pictures of sam popped up all over the internet with a man....his old owner.
He was wearing my shirt and looked sad and drained from life he was super pale and skinny I started to cry this is the first time I've seen him in months.
"colby i need to tell you something..."
"Not now aaron" i run to the garage And tell Elton
"Have you.."
He started to say
"Yes there's hope we just...."
"I sold sam to his old owner...." Aaron was standing in the door way I froze not knowing what to say or do
I turned around to face the man Who stole my only happiness.
"You. did. what...."
Aaron stood there awkwardly
"I um...bailed Sam's old owner out of jail and sold him ...."
"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT" by now the whole house and Felicity and Kat were standing there
"I was in on it to...." Kat looks down ashamed
"I swear to God Doh I will fuck you up if this is true" I felt elton grab me holding me back
"I'm sorry I just wanted sam out and Kat wanted sam to herself and we came up with a awful plan to get rid of him...and im sorry"
"Sorry isn't going to cut it" I stormed past them as Felicity followed
"where you In on it also!?"
She shook her head
"No i didnt know anything colby I swear..." i go to hug her and collapsed in her arms
All I care about Is he's alive he may not be safe but fuck he's alive. now time for the dangerous adventure of finding sam...
the next picture was of sam outaide a little icecream shop
"I know where that is!" I shouted
It was an ice cream shop I used to go to when i was little right ourside of Kansas.
Looks like I'm coming home early for Christmas.
"Lets go then!"
We took the next 2 day trip to Kansas.
we all ended up going the more I guess to help.
The first day was long but now everyone was getting tired we stopped at a sketchy hotel.
"Anyone want food im ordering a pizza" corey yelled
Everyone but me yelled back
"OK maybe I'm ordering more than one pizza" he laughed. Aaron and Elton in one room Felicity and Kat the next me and Corey in the last. the pizza arrived everyone but me ate I wasn't hungry
"You going to eat colbs" I shrugged 
"Not hungry"
"I haven't seen you eat anything " Felicity said.
"Ya Neither have I "
"Well if that idiot didn't sell my only happiness maybe I'd eat" I said pointing at aaron maybe not my best come back but i was upset.
Aaron looked down feeling ashamed.
"Colby I...." I stormed out of Elton and aarons room going back into mine and just stared at the wall. i just want my Sammy back. He probably thinks I abandoned him.
Corey entered the room with the box of Pizza.
"You OK colbs ." i shot him a death glare him knowing perfectly well I'm not Ok.
"I uh saved you a slice..." He handed me the box i knew they wouldn't stop annoying me about eating until someone saw me eat something. to make him happy I took the pizza and ate a bite out of it. it just tasted like ash. I chew it slowly and try to swallow it but it came right back up i ran to the bathroom throwing it up.
corey walked back out as soon as he handed it to me so i was left on the cold bathroom floor alone.  I sobbed and couldn't stop sobbing.
I want sam back.
A double update for you your welcome.
Also I think I'm going to start question of the update type thing would y'all be interested in that?

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