part 16

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A/n make sure you check my last update please and thank you!-Allie
We arrived at Kat's house Felicity again greeted us with a hug and invited us inside.
"Guys I have excellent news"
"What's that Felicity"
"After my sisters situation I was finally getting enough people to sign my potion and they are making it a law where hybrids and humans can be together!"
I smiled as colby looked at me
"Well that's awesome Felicity!"
"And once the law passes my sister will be able to get out of jail since she didn't technically break a law"
We hug her and congratulated her. She's been talking about this ever since we met her she was auper passionate about this topic.
"It will of course take a few months for it to be official but I just can't wait"
We hung out for a while until i told Colby I had to meet my group.
We left and picked up dinner on the way home
"You know what that means sam?"
"We can be t-together?"
"Yup!" He had the biggest grin on his face and I did as well he held my hand the whole way back home.
We got home just in time. Jake came shortly after and so didn't Harper. I let them in and we sat on the island in the kitchen I got them both a drink as well got out our science books
"OK so i was thinking we should do a volcano " jake started off
"It's simple easy and we would be done in seconds"
Harper rolled her eyes
"No dip shit. that's what everyone's going to be doing and unlike you I want to get a good grade"
I honestly don't even know what I'm doing I've only been to school for a day so I figured I'd let them figure out what we do.
"What about the thing with cornstarch and water it is solid and you touch it it becomes liquid"
"That sounds r-really messy" i stated
"Your right but so was the volcano"
"We should do a lava lamp!" Jake shouted excited over his idea
"Actually that's not bad. its unique and it won't take a lot to make"
"Its also not that messy " jake stated 
"We even could do a little history about the lava lamps for extra points"
"Do we all agree on lava lap then?" 
I nod
"S-sorry im not much help. I've only been in s-school for literally a day "
"It's all good sam I'll take care of it and teach you along the way" Harper smiled
"i cane up with the idea So that means I'm off the book" jake said kicking his feet up.
"Ha nope we will find something for you to do "
Be groaned
When elton came down
"Oh hey sam...sorry i didnt know you were having friends Here"
Elton went to the fridge and popped open something called a red bull
"Its o-ok elton we are just going over a science project"
He smiled and patted my back"I'm Elton the roommate" he waved at them
"Let me know if you guys need anything sam knows where to find me" he pointed in the garage and walked away
"So is that your owner"
Jake asked as he walked away
"No idiot his name is Elton. sam's collar says Colby on it "
"Is colby and elton the same person?"
harper hit her head I noticed neither of them wore collars.
"n-no theres a lot of us here Elton's the roommate so is c-corey devyn and Aaron. "
"whoa is it weird living with all these humans? " Harper asked
"Not really I mean it was weird at first but that's because I was alone for such a long time and I was j-just like thrown into a h-house of people but its not bad almost everyone is very kind."
"Almost everyone? Who's the one that's not?"
As she asked that Aaron walked down and scrunched up his noise
"Ew why is there more of you? I swear if they adopted more...."
"n-no worry Aaron they a-are just here for a science project they will be leaving soon"
"Good" he said he grabbed a water before going back upstairs.
"Oh so its him"
I gave a small smile
My wrist was really bothering me
"Uh can you g-give me a second" they nod and i go to the garage
"Hey elton my w-wrist really hurts do you know where the p-pain killers are?"
"Ya I have some right here" he gave me one and i get some water to take it.
We continued on our project for a little bit
"Ok now we just have to get the things we need and do a test run. so maybe meet one more time?"
We nod
"Next time we can meet at my house" jake said we all agreed
"Cool beans see ya guys later my moms here"
Harper packed up her stuff and left
"Hey man is it OK if I hang out for a while my mom doesn't get out of work until another hour"
"I d-dont see why not" we then went to the game room and Jake showed me how to play video games.
I'm not obsessed with them but they are fun I guess.
Colby walked down and saw us
"Did you need a ride jake?"
"No my mom won't get out of work for a few more minutes I hope it was OK if I stayed for a bit"
"Ya that's prefectly fine"
"so Kat seems like she likes you"
Jake said as well stopped the video games
"N-nah. i think she likes Brennen " I joked with him
"Well my moms here see ya later "
"Hey sam. can we talk" colby pulled me aside
"I think its time to introduce you to YouTube"

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