part 10. drunk and high

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A/n hey guys the next few weeks I'll be pretty busy so I'm sorry if I don't post as often
⚠ this chapter talks about weed if that bothers you just skip that part

Colby's p.o.v.
We sat in the parking lot of Target in silence.
He wouldn't look at me.
"Sam...are you mad at me??"
"C-colby i d-didn't understand what was really going o-on but I didn't care. I like Kat. A lot. And I wanted to do it..."
"Your not talking in the third person...."
He snapped at me
"Ya because I d-dont have to do that h-here anymore"
"I'm sorry sam..."
"S-sorry isnt going to fix this c-colby"
"The reason I did it was...." He rolled his eyes
"Well we can't b-be together yet anyway why can't you j-just be happy f-for me!"
Silence again. I hate him being mad at me...
"Sam please what can I do to make it up..."
"Ill do anything "
"C-colby....i love you....but we can't be let me be w-with Kat until we c-can be together"
I wanted to scream at how wrong that is. But its what he wants
"C-can we go home"
We drove in silence on the way home and didn't speak the rest of the night. before I went to bed someone knocked on my door.
"C-colby...." I opened it And sam was face to face with me. we didn't say anything he just collapsed in my arms.
"I'm s-sorry Colby i w-want to be with you and only you I guess t-the idea of having another h-hybrid like me got to my head " I smiled and her started to cry
"Sh its ok sam don't cry Please" we stood in my doorway for a while just in silence "let's come in my room OK?" He nods And walks in my room i lock the door behind us.
I don't care if this is illegal.
I want want sam and i know he wants me.
We will make this work.
we layed on my bed and sam cuddled up next to me.
I started to pet his hair making him pur.
God he was so adorable.
We fell asleep like that.
"colby brock "
"Your in trouble"
I was in a dark room all i could hear was the voice
"what why"
"I know about you and your fling with sam"
I froze
"Who is this" soon a picture of sam popped out of the darkness.
"Sam!" It disappears.
The Aarons face popped out
"Yes Colby it is me" he disappeared and then the light turned on. I was in a basement aaron and sam were there
Sam was tied up
"Aaron what are you doing..."
"I'm doing what every hybrid deserves" I looked past them. sam wasnt the only hybrid Kat was there and thousands of others.
Aaron grabbed a knife
Sam was screaming my name I tried to run after him but i couldn't reach him
First he cut off his ears.
Then his whiskers.
Then his tail.
"Now time to skin him alive"
My eyes fluttered open and sam was in my view I just hugged him and started crying. this time he was petting my hair.
"W-whats wrong colby?"
"I.. I had a dream you where you ....almost..."
He sh me and calmed me down
"I-its OK colby I didn't go anywhere. "
after that I couldn't go back to sleep.
Why was it Aaron and why was he so against hybrids?
I had so many questions.
Sam fell back asleep after I pretended to be asleep. I just looked at him all night I swear its not as creepy as it sounds. I just couldn't let myself fall back to sleep. what if something like that happens again.
My anxious thoughts kept me up I was wondering all the bad things that could go wrong.
I don't want to almost lose sam again.
sam rolled over so he wasnt laying om me. I got up carefully to not wake him and walked downstairs to get a drink.
I don't mean water.
I needed something to get my thoughts back in order.
And yes don't worry I'm 21.
I looked at the time it was 2am
Wow. how sad colby drinking alone at 2am
"Oh hey Colby"
Elton walks in.
"You OK do realize you drinking alone at 2am..right..." I take a another shot and burped
"Ya I'm good. just need something to get my mind off this shit"
I hand him the bottle and he takes a shot. hands it back to me I take another one
"Fuck" I said as the burning sensation slips down to my stomach.
We go back and forth a while when i start to feel tipsy.
"Yo dude. I got some weed do you wanna smoke"
"Fuck yes" I was in my happy place I haven't gotten high in a while
"Wait let me leave sam a note "
"Aw even drunk you think about him how cute" I got a paper and pen and wrote
Dear sam.
Went out with Elton to get something. I will be back.
I haven't smoked weed since the one party i went. and I haven't been to a party in at least a year.
We sit in Elton's car and hotbox the shit out of it. I took at least 4 or 5 elton did more than me.
My mind was completley gone. Me and elton started laughing about the way chickens walk. life was good
sam's p.o.v.
I rolled over expecting a colby to be laying next to me but he wasn't.
I wiggled my noise wondering where he went.
I walk down stairs and saw aaron holding a note he then crumbled it up and threw it at me.
I looked at the time it was 6am.
That was all he did.
I waited in the kitchen until colby and Elton walked in the kitchen smelling something i smelled before.
Old master used to make me take edibles and he would smoke a lot around me that's the only reason I knew what it was.
I hated being high. I hated when my master was also.
And right now both Elton and colby reaked of weed.
Colby ran up and gave me a big hug and started laughing
"w-what is it colby" i said not impressed
" God I love you"
He said as he tried to kiss me but I pushed him off
Honestly him being high was kind of cute.
"Colby you s-should go to bed"
"What about sam and colby sexy time?" My cheeks got heated.
"Colby bed n-now"
"Your sooooooo cute when your mad" Elton was as bad as he was when corey walked down the stairs
"Coreyyyyy whatssssss uppppp dudeeee"
"Fuck man you reak. "
"I'm highhhhh" he said giggling
"C-corey can you help me"
"Ya man sure "
He some how gets colby to bed and Elton.
Now it was just me and corey
"Fuck man I'm sorry about them."
I shrugged
"Its f-fine. its there own f-fault "
"I heard your voice talking to Colby. does know weed bother you...."
I sighed. I haven't really told anyone what happened at my old masters. I just blocked most of it out I guess. and I've also never had someone to tell. I didn't have any friends to talk about it.
"I don't r-really have a p-problem with him doing it. he can do what he wants. but I j-just have....really bad memories t-that come with that.."
"I'm sorry man. I'm here if you ever need to talk about shit that happened in your past. itll stay between you and me that's it " I gave him a greatful smile.
"T-thanks corey" 

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