Chapter 2

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||I updated twice today as last chapter wasn't much :)|| 

After the whole Mal and Uma drama at my party we had to find a new hideout. We ran into an abandoned warehouse, which we converted into our hideout, when we took all our stuff from the old one with Mal and stuff I stole all her spray cans. I loved spray painting and our hideout is full of art I have done.

We all head to our hideout, our parents don't care where we are anymore, and I always have clothes and makeup spare here anyway. We have some snacks and get ready for bed. Me and Uma start talking after we're ready and the boys are still getting ready. I turn to go to my section to get my makeup off and Harry's taking his shirt off. I swear I'm drooling.

"Like what you see princess?" Harry asks me. Harry's the only one who calls me princess.

"mmm" I say in reply not paying attention.

"My face is up here," Harry says smirking, "Up..." I move my head up a bit, "up...there we go". My hair turns bright red with my face.

I smirk as he puts a shirt on. Uma drags me across to her section, she knows I like Harry.

"Calm down, I swear I saw you drool over Harry," Uma says.

"I have never liked him more," I admit.

I have had a crush on him since my birthday when I was 8. After we walked away (his arm around my waist) he gave me a necklace with a hook charm on it and I felt shivers down my spine as he put it around my neck, I have never taken it off.

We all sit in the middle of the room and start planning. I lean my head on Harry's shoulder and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up and Harry's arms are around me, I try not to wake him. He must have put me to bed and hopped in with me. I smile and snuggle up closer to him, my eyes closing and me falling asleep again.

I wake up to someone banging on the door. Harry, Gil and Uma get woken up too. I rub my eyes and get out of bed and Harry's arms. I open the door half asleep.
"DAD!?" I exclaim. He normally stays in the underworld.

"Yes," he says evilly "There is news that we need to discuss, about you going to Auradon," He pauses waiting for me to say something, but I just stand there. "I would say goodbye to your... friends, now your leaving this afternoon, I have your stuff packed in your magic handbag." He says then starts walking off.

"Bye guys," I say to Harry, Gil and Uma.

Harry wraps his arm around me and smiles.

"Bye Ellie," Gil and Uma say while Harry says "Bye Princess"

I leave the hideout and run to catch up with my dad. Crowds clear as me and my dad pass, everyone is afraid of him, he is the baddest villain. I smile a wicked grin as I take a necklace off someone.

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