The Rise of the Dark

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A year passed and Luna and Sombra did spend a lot of time together and  after a while they realized that they were in love . Sombra moved to Canterlot and lived in the castle along with his sons .

Once he was cleaning up his room he found the book that he hided that day when he took it from the library .

Sombra : I guess it won't hurt if i do read it a little more , Luna said that is dangerous but i think i can face whatever shall happen .

And so he started reading the book ... Hours passed and Luna was walking in the garden along with her sister , Celestia . The boys were at school .

All of the sudden , they heard a HUGE explosion . In a few seconds Sombra appeared in the garden where Luna and Celestia were , but ... he wasen't the same Sombra they knew....


Sombra : That's King Sombra for you princess . And by the way , thanks for bringing that book in the castle so i can read it .

Luna : WHAT? I told you not to read it !

Sombra : I don't take orders from a little princess . Now i want you 2 to leave my castle or it will get ugly for you booth .

Luna couldn't stop her tears . Celestia could tell that she was really upset about what was he doing and saying . She had enough .

Celestia : Enough Sombra ! I invited you to our castle , i treated you with respect and kindness I let you live with us and be with my sister so you booth could have a happy life , but after you couldn't respect one wish that Luna had , not to read that book , and now you treat her like that , I have no choice but to banish you .

Sombra : I don't think that , my dear wife would want you to-

Luna : Let's do it !

Celestia : Luna , i can do it , really , i don't want you to have to banish your husb-

Luna : I want to do it , he cannot be changed and i will never forgive him for this , i want him gone !

Sombra : Your doing a big mistake Luna ...

Luna : Goodbye Sombra .

At that moment they started to fight . Celestia was really inured after Sombra stabbed her with a dark crystal . This was just between him and Luna . The fight was hard but Luna managed to throw a spell on Sombra that banished him out of Equestria .

He was gone...  Now Luna had to take care of Sai , Shad and Shadow ... and soon 2 more kids since... she was pregnant ...

To be continued ...

*Hiya guys ! Meys here ! I just wanted to say that you should also check my friend's story named ,, Rebellious ,, by xLizaHeartlyx  ! Even though she is younger than me she is a really good writer ! I really love her story and i wanted to share it with you guys because she deserves more views and likes at it !

P.S. : You can also find me in her story if you keep reading ^^

Baaaaai :3*

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