Eating the Baby?!

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• • • • • • • • • • "They've eaten the baby!" Was the only thing being heard as Frankie scrubbed the bathroom floor. Immediately she sat up straight hitting her head on the sink. "Bloody hell" she mumbled as she got up and ran to the room of where she knew the seven browns were.

Her ragged dressed she lifted up as she ran so didn't fall straight on her face. Once she opened the door she sighed seeing her friends/master.

"What did you guys do?!" She yelled. Her British accent thickening as she pointed her finger at then angrily.

"Seventeen nannies you guys driven away! And eaten the baby?! That's to far!" She yelled before shutting her eyes and covering her face trying to calm down.

Once she did she walked to the table moved the lid off the pot before picking up Aggie. "Poor little baby" Frankie mumbled but before she could say anything else Mister Brown entered the room.

"Children where's ag-" before he could finished his sentence he saw the baby girl being held by the youngest maid in the house.

"Oh what have you done" he whispered walking over and wiping the cabbage off Aggie's head.

"Well Nanny (forgot her name) has with drawn from her dutes...I hope your happy" Mister brown says before leaving to hirer a new nanny.

"Oh Mister brown I'm sorry! I'll try to get them in line!" Frankie yelled while watching Mister brown walk away.

Slowly turning around she watched Simon open the closet saying "Three days, eight hours, and forty-seven minutes" he grabbed a small shaped doll of the nanny "so that got rid of her 23 hours and 30 minutes quicker then the last one"

Frankie walked over to the Browns standing behind them as she somehow wiped up the little ones faces as Simon said "I think the turning point was definitely eating the baby. Well done Eric"

"Not well done you bums. You're all dirty and need to shower. I'll go wash up Aggie but right after supper you all bathe" Frankie said glaring at Simon once they've all turned around to her.

"Yes Frankie" Tora said sitting down and fixing up her hair as well as Lily's and chissy's.

Nodding Frankie walked to the bathroom while saying to Aggie "I swear you guys will be the death of me Aggie. I love you all but you keep making the nannies run away"

What she didn't know was Simon was smirking watching his best friend/crush talk to his little baby sista.


After bathing Aggie Frankie immediately walked back to the room sighing as she walked with Evangeline inside the room with loud noises and fighting.

"QUIET" Evangeline said as Frankie sat down besides Simon still having Aggie in her arms now sleeping after she just got bathed with warm water.

Evangeline took the teddy bear's head and gave it to Chrissy so Eric would stop fighting. She sat down moving Chrissy in her lap and opening up her book.

"Lily what's this word" Evangeline said as Frankie leaned her head on Simon's shoulder. "Lovingly. He took her Lovingly by the hand" Lily read as she sat down in front of Evangeline.

Tora being curious asked "what's your book about Evangeline?" Instead of her answering Lily answered saying "it's about how a man who remarries after his wife dies and the step mother is horrible"

"Why doesn't the man stop her from being horrible?" Evangeline said leaning forward to get an answer from lily but Simon turned to look at Evangeline after looking to Frankie.

"Father's always stop being nice. They don't care." He answered gripping his hand but Frankie slowly took his hand intertwining their fingers.

"Simon yours does" Evangeline trys to make him understand but Simon shakes his head saying "no he doesn't. Does he read to Chrissy like he used to? Does he play (whatever game) like he did? We barely even see him"

Evangeline stands up walking over to him saying "he loves you Simon. You know that. He just has a lot on his mind since...." "since mother died" Simon answered finishing off her sentence the room quieting.

"Not anymore. He only cares about marring someone" Simon says resting his head against Frankie's as she moved aggie into her basket.

"Well....I don't know if it's true or not but maybe it would be nice to have a new mother" Evangeline whispered from being he beginning while saying it louder at the ending.

"Don't you know anything about fairytales? Step mothers are always evil" Lily said naming the older maid turn her head towards her. "You don't know that" Evangeline agurges back but Eric stood up placing the fairytale book on her lap.

"There isn't one story about any step mothers being nice. Anyway no one likes us children." Eric said walking back to his head chopping toy.

"I like you" Evangeline says but Eric sighs saying "yes but you're a servant and is paid to like us. That doesn't count" those words made Evangeline stand up grabbing her book and saying "I'll be off then"

Frankie stood up yelling "Evangeline!" Sighing she looked over at Eric "that wasn't nice Eric" He sighed shaking his head saying "i don't care"

Frankie looked down at the ground trying to hold back her tears "well I'm a servant so does that mean you don't care about me either?" Looking up she saw the brown children all look over at her eyes wide.

They all immediately said no but Frankie shook her head saying "forget it. I have to go help chef cook dinner. I'll see you when it's bedtime" she mumbled before leaving the room hurt because of her friend's words.

Only a maid? (Nanny McPhee) [Simon love story] ×completed×Where stories live. Discover now