Sick in bed all day

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After the whole Please thing in the kitchen the Browns and Frankie all went up stairs and got ready for bed.

(What Frankie is wearing)

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(What Frankie is wearing)

Since Frankie didn't have a bed of her own she slept with Simon. Everybody were jumping on their beds but once Nanny McPhee came into the room they all ran and laid down but of course Simon just slowly walked.

Frankie saw sitting down by the pillows waiting for Simon to come lay down. She already had the blankets over her bottom half but still sat straight.

Once Simon say down in front of her Frankie leaned forward resting her head against back. She wasn't paying attention until she heard everyone laughing.

Frankie immediately looked up resting her head on Simon's shoulder starting to listen on their conversation now. "Please to make your acquaintance I'm Fartworthy" Simon said holding his hand out to Nanny McPhee.

Sighing Frankie slowly wrapped her arms around Simon's waist as she said her name "I'm Frankie Black. This one here is Simon brown but you must already know that" immediately everyone shut up once Frankie gave them glares.

Nanny McPhee nodded saying goodnight to everyone while saying their names correctly. "There is something you should understand about the way I work. When you need me but don't want me then I must stay. When you want me but do not need me then I have to go. It's rather sad really but there it is" Nanny McPhee said before turning around ready to leave.

"We will never want you" Simon said making Frankie slap him across the head but Nanny McPhee turned her head slowly to say "then I will never leave" before she left the room actually turning off the lights as she went.

"We deal with her tomorrow" Simon said but immediately Frankie sighed laying down and pulling Simon with her. "Whatever. Let's just go to bed we had a every long night" Frankie whispered before slowly turning around with Simon so he's the one with his arms wrapped around her waist and his breath against her neck.

"Frankie?" Chrissy said quietly "yes Chrissy" Frankie mumbled but loud enough for her to hear. "Can you sing a lullaby?" Chrissy asked as she looking up at the ceiling.

"Of course sweetie" Frankie said softly before starting to sing.

Once she finished everyone was sleeping. Simon pulled her closer while having his hands under her shirt on her stomach. Slowly she shut her eyes falling asleep as well.


Only a maid? (Nanny McPhee) [Simon love story] ×completed×Where stories live. Discover now