Aunt is coming over?!

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Frankie was sitting on a chair helping aggie eat as Mister Brown entered the room saying "your great aunt (whatever her name) is coming for tea today."

Right after he did say that Aggie started to cry and all the Browns started to complain. Frankie being how she is picked up Aggie and started to pat her back whispering into her ear "it's okay Aggie I'll be here to protect you guys from evil aunty"

"Just put your best clothes on and Manny McPhee will keep you all in order" Mister brown said as Frankie was about to say something Nanny McPhee said "Actually mister brown today is Sunday and I have the afternoon off."

Mister brown stared at Nanny McPhee in disbelief as he said "y-you can be off duty I n-need you. Th-they need you" Frankie sighed shaking her as she sat down on Simon's lap letting him wrap his arms around her waist.

"Don't worry Mister brown I'll keep them in line" Frankie said moving her leg up and down making Aggie giggle a bit as Nanny McPhee nodded saying "I'm sure they'll be fine with Frankie mister brown"

Frankie stood up smiling as she carried Aggie "you go get ready for Miss (their aunt's name) and I'll get them ready" Frankie said taking Christ's hand. "Come on guys let's get you all ready" she said starting to walk as the other children followed after groaning in irritation.

Simon looked up at his father saying "yeah I'm sure we'll be fine with frankie" He smirked following after as Mister Brown watched slightly scared and relived at the same time.


Frankie picked up Aggie smiling as she moved some of Aggie's small hairs behind her ear. "I hate my best clothes their itchy" Sebastian complained making Frankie sigh giving Aggie to Tora.

"Well to bad you know how your aunt can get" Frankie said starting to help Sebastian pull on his shirt. "Frankie's right we promised. So that's that" Tora said as Simon jumped off his bed still not changed.

"Simon" Frankie said after kissing Sebastian's forehead and now standing in front of Simon "can't you change. Come on we don't have time for this" Frankie mumbled dusting off her bum of her ragged dress.

"I'm going to put my best clothes on.....the pig" Simon said already walking to the bedroom door. "Simon no" Tora and frankie said at the same time making the two look at each other.

"Yes!" The other children yelled following after Simon. "Tora" frankie said turning Tora to her "if Miss (their aunt's name) is taking anyone don't make any ideas and..." before she continued frankie grabbed one letter from under her box and gave it to Tora "give this to Simon."

"But why?" Tora asked as Frankie started to fix her hat on her head like an older sister. "Because I'll be going. Alright?" Frankie said looking at Tora straight in the eye. "But Frankie" Tora said softly only for frankie to shake her head.

"I made up my mind Tora. And I'm telling you this because I love you guys. I will do anything in my power to make sure you guys are safe. Together" frankie said kissing Tora's cheek. "Now go get the children in line while I get dress. Alright?" Frankie said having her hands on Tora's shoulders.

"Okay Frankie but when we see each other again. You have to kiss Simon" Tora said only for Frankie to nod saying "i was going to kiss him anyway because I said I would when he took the medicine yesterday" The two girls laughed and hugged once again before Tora left the room.

"Time to get dress" Frankie mumbled as she grabbed a suit case full of her packed clothes since she knew this was going to happen one day and placed it on the bed.

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