The wedding

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Frankie looked in the mirror dusting odd the dress as Eleanor stood behind her smiling. "You look beautiful Miss Frankie" Eleanor said having her British accent squeal in excitement.

"Eleanor" Frankie said worried as she turned to face the maid "I don't know about this the dress it's to p-" before she could continue Eleanor interrupted the young girl by saying "oh shush Miss frankie you look prefect with it on"

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"Eleanor" Frankie said worried as she turned to face the maid "I don't know about this the dress it's to p-" before she could continue Eleanor interrupted the young girl by saying "oh shush Miss frankie you look prefect with it on"

Eleanor pushed Frankie to sit down as the two looked at the mirror "now time for your hair" Eleanor finished off smiling before starting to do Frankie's hair.


"Finished!" Eleanor said standing up and smiling at her masterpiece. "'s beautiful" Frankie whispered leaning into the mirror closers to move some strands of hair behind her ear.

"No you're beautiful Miss Frankie" Eleanor corrected the young girl as she dusted off her maid dress

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"No you're beautiful Miss Frankie" Eleanor corrected the young girl as she dusted off her maid dress. "Now we should get going before Lady A gets grumpy" Eleanor said walking to the door thinking Frankie was following but the young girl say there looking in the mirror.

"Miss frankie?" Eleanor asked worried as she turned to see the young girl "what's wrong?" She continued as she walked back to Frankie and squatted down besides her.

"I don't know if they want to see me Eleanor" Frankie whispered looking down at her lap as she started to play with her hands. Eleanor sighed taking Frankie's hand and looking up at the girl.

"By the way you talk about them I'm sure they'll be excited to see your lovely face again Sweetie" Eleanor said sweetly as she traced her thumb against Frankie's hand.

"Are you sure?" Frankie asked looking at the blonde maid scared. "I'm sure now let's go see your lover" Eleanor she teasingly as she stood up pulling Frankie up as well.


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