Nanny McPhee

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Frankie was sitting next to Chef (forgot her name) while Chef mumbled words under her breath. Frankie just rocked back and forth actually bored of all the quietness.

Then it hit her. They were planning on doing something and she knew it was going to be bad but as she spaced out she didn't even noticed the Chef being knocked in the head and soon Frankie was soon.

When she opened her eyes she was tied in the rocking chair with an apple in her mouth. Frankie immediately started to talk but it was being muffled by both the apple and yellings of the Browns.

They were all making a mess. Eric under the table making a scientific green bomb. Chrissy putting stuff for Lily to jump and the things latching off. Tora pulling socks. Sebastian swinging from the thing that holds the pots while Aggies slept in her basket. Simon was mixing socks into the pot of mashed potatos.

Frankie moved her hands around trying to get free. "Mmmm!" She yelled muffled as she started to rock back in forth. Frankie's focus turned towards the door only to see a lady.

In a black dress. Black hat. She looked horrible but in her gut Frankie had a feeling that something was wrong with the lady and she was going to change their lives.

"Mm!" Frankie muffled making Nanny McPhee look at her before Simon said "Oh look, the doors open bit there's nobody there."

"I'm here. I am Nanny McPhee." She said standing still while still looking at everyone in the room.

"Oh did you hear that?" Simon said making his siblings say "I didn't hear anything" "yeah cuz nobody's there!"

"Then listen carefully and try to get it. You are to stop of what you are doing put the things back and go up stairs. To bed" Nanny McPhee said making Simon smirk slowly having his gaze on Frankie before landing it on Nanny McPhee when she said "did you hear what I said?"

"I just had an idea" Simon said looking all at his siblings before continuing "why don't we play here in the kitchen all night" frankie shut her eyes mentealy saying his name while sighing.

The Browns made louder noises. More of a messy all. 'Bloody idiots!' Frankie yelled in her head as she kept trying to get out of the chair.

Nanny McPhee brought out her stick making everyone's eyes look at her. Chrissy voice of yelling "Jump. Jump. Jump." Softening as she looked over at Nanny McPhee.

Right when the stick slammed into the ground Frankie was being pushed back. The chair holding her right the edge of the fire place. The tips of her hair starting to burn from the fire.

Frankie started to move around more muffling her screams with the apple as she felt the hotness of the fire higher up.

Chrissy started to put food in the launcher and when Lily jumped it landed in boiling hot water. Lora pulling the socks down fastly. Sebastian swinging on the Chandelier faster. Eric mixing and adding more green powder to his bomb. Then Simon mixing fastly not even humanly possible.

All of the brown children started to scream in fear and yelling "I can't stop!" "It must be magic!" "Let's stop!" "I want to stop!"

"Let's stop and go to bed!" Simon yelled but Nanny McPhee looked at him saying "say please"

"I never say please!" Simon yelled. No one didn't even notice Frankie leaning closer closer to the fire. Finally she got the apple out of her mouth and she screamed "say please Simon! I dont care if you don't say please Aggie is about to get Boiled into a Boiled egg!"

Immdeailty everyone shut up looking over at her. Their eyes widening as they watched francie grip her hand against the chair and her hair burning all on the tips.

"All right then please" Simon said and before Nanny McPhee could say anything Frankie said "Simon!" "Please Nanny McPhee!" He yelled this time once Lily jumped. Eric's bomb exploded.

Once all the green fog went away the kids stood there. "Bloody hell" Frankie mumbled before leaning her head against Simon's back as she breathed out breath of relieve.

Only a maid? (Nanny McPhee) [Simon love story] ×completed×Where stories live. Discover now