Busy learning to be a lady

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Frankie was laying on her now silky king bed. It was quiet. To quiet for her. She was just laying there now in her fancy pajamas.

All she wonder was what were the Browns doing? What was Evangeline doing? Did they miss her?

Sighing once more she sat up checking the time 5:59 one more minute until someone would be here to get her to start leaning how to be a lady.

Frankie stood up off the bed opening the door after she heard footsteps. "Oh!" The maid yelped a bit surprised to see Frankie up and even opened the before she could even knock.

The maid had long blond hair past her waist and her eyes being green as the forest.

"M-miss Frankie I thought you were sleeping" The maid said dusting off her own maid dress as Frankie shook her head "no no I usually wake up at 5 so I'm used to the early mornings miss...?"

"No no don't say miss just all me Eleanor miss Frankie" The maid named Eleanor said as she entered the room and pushed Frankie to sit down.

"Well Eleanor what will I be doing today?" Frankie asked as Eleanor started to brush Frankie's hair. "You'll be learning ball dancing and trying dress then learning English" Eleanor said starting to braid Frankie's hair.

When finished she slowly wrapped it into a bun "after you're done getting dressed please come out the door and I'll take you to the ball room" Eleanor said standing up and bows leaving the room.

Frankie leaned forward looking at herself in the mirror "blood hell I can barely even recognize myself" she mumbled softly before standing up and walking to her closet.

She opened up gasping at how many dresses and shoes there were. "So many...dresses" she mumbled walking in the closet and looking at the different dresses.

She stopped in her traces when she saw a beautiful yellow puffy dress. "Bloody" she whispered grabbing the dress from the closet and putting it on the bed

"Will I actually need to wear this for practice dancing?" Frankie mumbled to herself before looking at the mirror "just wearing something for once might not be bad" she whispered only to be startled by Eleanor saying "Miss Frankie hurry you have 1...

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"Will I actually need to wear this for practice dancing?" Frankie mumbled to herself before looking at the mirror "just wearing something for once might not be bad" she whispered only to be startled by Eleanor saying "Miss Frankie hurry you have 10 more minutes before class starts"

"Ah, yes of course I'll be right there!" Frankie yelled starting to change her clothes. Once she finished she looked in the mirror dusting the dress a bit she didn't even notice Eleanor enter the room.

"Beautiful" Eleanor squealed running to the dresser and grabbing a necklace. "This will be even better with it!"

 "This will be even better with it!"

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