Chapter 6

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Meeting Aleksandr Marchant





"Dang Aleks couldn't you be faster?" Jordan said.

"No." Aleks said as he came out of James and his hotel room.

"Aleks, this is Em, my girlfriend, and this is Mars, my sister." James introduced. I waved shyly.

"Hello! I'm Emerson but call me Em. And Mars is shy at first. I'm actually a big fan of you guys but then I met James and we fell in love." She kissed James' cheek.

"Well that's cool you got a little story. I'm single after I broke up with my ex, Tiffany a couple months ago."

"Mars is single, after her boyfriend cheated on her and she became depressed. She's only 18 but 19 on August 2nd!" I blushed.

"First, I am not depressed anymore and second, you don't need to tell everyone my whole life, Em!"

"And she's very very spicy, in attitude. Not in like sex-wise because she's still a virgin."

"Shut up Em!" I slapped her shoulder.

"Damn dude." Aleks laughed with everyone.

"Yeah, exactly! See her god damn spice!" Em groaned in anger.

"She probably gets it from Mom. I got anger, she got sassy." James said.

"I am not sassy." I remarked back.

"Bullshit your as sassy as a girl on her period. Wait! You are a girl and you do have periods! Do you have a year round period Marie?" Eddie giggled.

"You sicko! No. I do not. Can we please stop talking about my spice or sass." I groaned in embarrassment.

"You guys are jerks." Jordan commented.

"Finally someone agrees." I laughed with Jordan.

"Okay well, Em you know Aleks and Mars this is Aleksandr." James finally finished introducing.




"This is super weird! I've only been to PAX!" I exclaim as we walk into the convention center. I receive my badge.

"Oh my god! The Creatures and Aleks!" A girl screams and runs up to us.

"Hi James! Hi Sly! Hi Koots! Hi Danz! Hi Seamus! Hi Aleks! Wait, who is this?" She pointed to Sp00n.

"Oh, um, he's a friend." Dan says.

"Hi James sister, Mars! And who is this?" She points at Em.

"My friend, Em." James says and Em blushes.

"Hi Em! Well I want everyone's signature, except the friend, and Em." She rudely says. We all sign and she leaves.

"Wow this place is huge." Aleks laughs.

"Finally, not swimming in humidity." Seamus said.

"Oh, Seamus, it isn't that bad!" I laughed.

"It's fucking terrible. I hate Texas heat." Seamus says.



"Moo Moo."

"Mar Mar."

"Your annoying."

"You are much more annoying then me."

"Aw. Thanks."

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