Chapter 10

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a/n so I'm going to start putting the title of the chapter below the title part so it'll be like Chapter 11 big and bold and under it will be a title. So yeah! All of the chapters before this have a title now.

Home From RTX





"Let's go!" Aleks yelled.

"Shut up. It's morning and I haven't had coffee." I frowned.

"Be happy Mars!" He smiled. I laughed. We left the hotel and I checked my phone.

"They're at a panel." I said to Aleks and he nodded.

"Let's go to Starbucks." Aleks suggested.

"Yes! I can pay if you want, I have a gold card."

"What does gold card do?"

"Well, this is my twelfth drink, so I get one free. I'll get the more expensive one free."

"Okay. I'll pay you back if it's mine."

"Aleks. Stop. You don't have to."

"But I wanna." He smiled.

"One grande caramel frappe."

"Make that two." Aleks smiled.

"I have a gold card." I gave it to the guy.


"Uhm," I suggested Aleks to go first. "Make it silly." I whisper.

"Can you write, James is a dickhead?" He smiled. I laughed.

"James is a fucker." I laugh so hard I'm about to cry as the guy writes them both.

I pay and we go to the convention center and meet up with the creatures.

"Aww! Cuddly bears are finally awoken from their slumber!" Eddie runs over and hugs me and hugs Aleks.

"What the fuck? Starbucks?" Eddie sees the names. He starts to laugh and laugh his golden giggle and starts to almost cry. Zombi runs over and he points at it and she starts laughing too. Seamus walks over and sees them.

"James is a- oh wow. You guys are dicks." Seamus said. I laughed.

"Oh Seamus. It's not like I wrote Seamus is Swag."

"Oh god."

"Seamoose is Swag." I corrected myself, laughing.




"Daww! You actually picked me up! I'm actually very happy!" I smiled as Amy drove up.

"Fuck you. C'mon I'm missing my job. Hurry!" Amy raised the middle finger at me.

"Damn." I put my suitcase in the trunk.

"Where's Em?" Amy asked as I sat passenger.

"Decided to go with her boyfriend since they live together." I buckle my seatbelt and she's off.

"James still, yeah?"

"Yup. My big brother." I said imitating a young child.

"So,how's Aleks?"


Oh yeah.

Aleksandr Marchant.

Should I tell her about our bond? He seemed pretty open about it. I pondered for about a minute and noticed Amy was staring at me.

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