Chapter 1

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I felt a jolt as I woke up, my eyes blinking open. My head was clearer now, and I actually had some idea of who I was.

The memories felt like they weren't mine - like I was watching someone else's life. My mind narrated what my past was supposed to be, but it felt like I was watching through the eyes of a stranger.

My mind told me that my name was Sasha, and my last name was Holmes, as in Sherlock Holmes, hence the lovable nickname that has haunted me for years. I was kidnapped while I was walking home from practice, late one night. The last thing I supposedly remembered before I blacked out and woke up here, was getting shoved into the back of a van, and a large needle being stuck in my neck.

I tried to look around. It was near pitch black and what little light shone through didn't get very far. I could only make out a bit of splotchy gray in the black.

The pain from before had subsided to a dull ache and I could move my muscles some more. I was still trapped, my arms and legs pinned even tighter to my body, making my joints groan in protest.

My legs were curled up and my arms were wrapped around them-I was in the fetal position. My neck was twisted to the side, way too far for it not to be broken, but surprisingly, I felt no pain from it, but I just chalked it up to the drugs my captors had given me.

I was still as cold as I was before, though it didn't seem as bad. I could still feel it, but it didn't make me feel like I was about to shut down. I didn't even shiver.

I shifted around, trying to stretch. It was so cramped in there that I could barely move my head. I tried again, ignoring my aching muscles. I wanted out, and I wasn't giving up until I was free.

The cage I was in felt weak and strong at the same time, as if it could break at any moment but would stay whole if too much pressure was applied. The texture was like rubber, but it was slick with some sort of fluid that made it impossible to get any sort of grip on it.

I took a deep breath, composing myself and gathering my strength. I knew I only had one chance to break out before my body gave out on me, my weak muscles weren't strong enough to work properly.

I hesitated for a moment, 'What'll happen when I get out? What if someone is out there waiting for me? '

I mentally shook my head, clearing it of any questions. 'If I stay here I'll probably die anyway - I'd rather go down on my own two feet than trapped in here with no way to defend myself.'

I closed my eyes, heaving my shoulders and bringing my head up sharply. There was a sharp crack, like the sound of an egg being broken, and light flooded my little prison. I wrenched one arm free and clawed at the rest of it, kicking out with my legs.

Freezing cold air enveloped me and made my rattling lungs gasp in shock. I toppled over into the open space and landed face first onto the ground, my butt high in the air and my legs still trapped.

I rolled onto my back, wiggling my legs and ripping the last of it off. I looked down, 'What the...?'

The hands I was looking at were not my own. In fact, I had never seen them before in my life. They weren't even human. The hands that were-mine-but-were-not-mine were scaly and reptilian, with five claws that were long and sharp, looking as if they could cut through steel with ease.

I glanced at the now discarded cage. Now that I was outside of it, it started to look less like a cocoon, and more like an oversized egg. A cracked egg.

I scrambled back, bumping into a wall and nearly tripping over my...tail.

I had a tail.

That was new.

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