Chapter 17

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**Seven Years Later**

[I'm trying to follow the same timeline as the original story, so I had to integrate the time skip in as well]

I cracked open one eye, looking at the poorly concealed Kymari. I was currently halfway buried in the snow, about to take a nap next to the lake when I saw what looked like a heat wave from the corner of my eye. 

The Kymari were a race of green humanoids that had taken over earth after the white aliens. The white aliens were the ones piloting the spaceships that took out the army, and had taken over earth through genocide. The race of beings called 'Human' were extinct. There were no more Homo Sapiens on the planet, or any other planet. They were all dead, turned to goo by the white aliens. 

The white aliens planned to take over earth and had succeeded, building cities across the world. They had built cities all over the globe and one was in the meadow in front of the forest, directly in our line of sight.  However, by a weird twist of fate, about three months after they had built it they were taken over another race. They called themselves the Kymari, a ten foot tall warrior race. 

From what we had gathered from spying on them, they had taken over many planets, and this was a regular occurrence. Their skin was a dark forest green and as a whole, they were always armed. They were humanoid, and the way they acted was like an improved version of the human race, just without many of the emotions.

They mated for life most of the time, except when one of them died, and even then the widow or widower had to be young before they got over the tragedy and were able to move on. Their lifespan was around seven hundred earth years, and once they hit a hundred, they generally stopped aging till the six hundred year mark.

They valued their children above anything else, and if one was seriously threatened by an enemy, the entire species would go down the drain. That's what had happened to the coyote. There were no longer any Canis latrans on planet earth.

The Kymari were thinkers, more centered on analytical judgment versus emotional outbursts. Their patience was about as long as their lifespan, and the idea of a Kymari doing something out of spite or jealousy was laughable. They respected animals, and unless provoked, didn't attack. They left us alone, as did we them. The only time we saw them was at dusk, and even then it was at a distance. So that was good.

After the war, there were no white aliens left on earth, adding to the roster of extinct races. Right next to humans, coyotes, rats, spiders, mosquitos, and pretty much all of the rest of aggressive species that lived this far north, though there weren't that many anyway. Apparently, the Kymari liked creepy crawlees as much as the white aliens, much to my gratitude. I never liked bugs anyway.

They took over the city that the white aliens had built and tore it down, putting one of their own in the exact same place. Now, everyday, we could see them walking along paths in the forest. They had turned it into a park safe enough for them to walk through, much to our chagrin. The forest was literally at our doorstep, and the idea of having race-exterminating killing machines within eyesight of our homes wasn't exactly reassuring.

Thankfully, the Kymari didn't show any intention of attacking us, only getting close at dusk and looking from a distance the rest of the time. 

However, there were the rare occurrences where they would get curious and try to get close to one of us, and they always ended up failing miserably, like right now.

We didn't get heat waves here, so the Kymari stuck out like a sore thumb. He was using some sort of concealment device that hid his physical body from outside scrutiny. An alien invisibility cloak that worked on most animals, but not on us. 

I could see him perfectly well, and his attempts to stay incognito were in vain. He was even somehow able to eliminate his footprint from the snow. However, all of this was worth nothing considering I could still find him out with a single look. The Kymari didn't seem to catch onto the idea that we could see them with those cloaking devices on, despite us not concealing the fact. 

I stood up, shaking about two hundred pounds of cold snow from my scales and taking off, flying up and north over the lake. The Kymari jumped at my sudden actions, stumbling back before stabilizing himself and watching me fly away, a disappointed look on his face. 

The cold wind whipped past my body as I sped up, flapping my wings to gain some height before leveling out and gliding high above the Kymari. I was on the south side of the lake, the shore farthest from my cave. The sun was high above me, casting a shadow on the blue ice below me as I flew, my tail snaking behind me.


[I'm going to be slowing down the updates to only a few chapters a week. I can't keep up with our current pace, and I need a bit more time. I'm going to update on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so be warned >.>]

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