Chapter 31

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{Lucas POV}

The thing hissed at me, launching itself into the air. I swerved out of the way to avoid getting tackled,  but it shifted it's direction at the last second, catching me in midair. 

The thing barreled directly into me, and we both crashed to the ground, a jumble of hissing lizards. The thing was heavier than it looked, feeling about twice my weight, or about the size of an empty eighteen wheeler. 

A spike of pain shot up my back on impact, the sickening crunch of bone accompanied by my own howl of agony echoing through the mountain range. I writhed, kicking the thing directly in the chest and pushing it off of me.  I quickly got to my feet, my left wing dragging limp on the ground and a chunk of black flesh peeled off by my claws staining the white snow grey. 

No blood of my own was spilled, but my scales had changed color around the break, going from an icy blue to a purple darker than the sky above us, almost black. The point where the color was darkest was right below the joint, where my wing folded so it wouldn't drag. It was bent at almost a ninety degree angle, my left wing hanging down, useless. 

A slight groan escaped through my clenched teeth as I took a deep breath, trying not to bite my own tongue. It felt like a knife was digging into my wing, twisting with every movement. 

The haze of pain seemed to make me even furious than before, and I growled, glaring at the thing. It was actually trying to back away. I hissed in fury and agony, releasing a ball of liquid ice directly at its face, catching it in the mouth.

 The ice splashed on impact, like water, and stuck to its face, spreading over it's skull. I could practically hear the thing squeal underneath the ice as the thing tore at itself, trying to tear the mask of ice off. 

I  pushed the pain to the back of my mind and walked loser to it, opening my mouth and releasing a stream of blue mist from my throat. I made sure I went over it's entire body, covering the thing in fog, a thick film of ice appearing on top of it. The thing writhed underneath, screeching in pain. 

I got closer, freezing it to the ground and making sure I didn't miss anything. Now, most of it's front half was locked up in the ice, the only thing moving being the slight jerks of it's back legs and it's eyes rolling in the sockets. 

I stood up on my hind legs, digging my claws into the ice around the thing's neck. After making sure I had a good grip I yanked back, digging my back claws into the snow to keep balance. 

Our ice doesn't stretch very well. It usually just fractures and breaks into two pieces. This held true, even now. 

The thing's head separated from it's neck, it's blood already frozen. It's body jerked a few more times before it collapsed in on itself, the body still standing due to the ice freezing it in place. 

I smashed the head of the thing into the ground, making it crumble to dust. After making sure that it was dead and gone, I sniffed the air, the feeling of hate not reducing at all. 

The pain from my broken wing seemed to fade into the background, a torrent of fury taking it's place in my heart. A particular scent wafted over from my left, like a dead snake. I inhaled deeply, my mind going disturbingly quiet but my eyes were covered in  a red haze of anger. 

After a long moment of concentration, smelling the scent of the thing and listening hard for it's footsteps, I spun around, and leapt at the thing behind me, digging my claws into it's shoulders. The thing got on it's hind legs to meet my attack, and we clawed at each other. 

My claws dug into the thing's shoulders, black blood flowing, a stench like rotten flesh hitting my face. The thing retaliated, and a slightly feral howl came from my own lungs as the thing bit directly into my neck. 

I dug as far as I could into it's body before ripping out, practically shredding it's shoulders and neck. The thing twisted it's head as I jumped up off of the ground, digging my back claws into it's stomach and spilling it's organs out onto the snow. It's claws scratched at my forearms and the thing tugged fiercely at my neck, tearing at the muscle as it tried to dig as far as it could. 

I clenched my teeth, a roar of pain and fury signaling the release of a icy fog from my body, spreading to every space within a twenty foot radius. 

The thing squealed in agony and let go, backing up away from me. However, when it backed up, it took something with it. A chunk of flesh was between its teeth, a hunk the size of a basketball ripped from my own neck. I now had a large hole in the shape of a 'C' in my neck, a torrent of red blood flowing down to the ground. 

The thing hadn't gotten away unscathed, however, and it collapsed to the ground, frozen solid and it's organs spilling out onto the ground.  I had been building up that Aura for the entire day, and although I hadn't released that much, it was well enough to kill that thing.

I smashed the thing's corpse to dust, finally satisfying the hate in my mind. The red haze over my eyes retreated, and I staggered, a wave of exhaustion and pain hitting my mind and body. A large shadow appeared in my heart, and I found myself swaying on my feet, my body going weak.

I was about to sit down, just to have a moment to gather myself when a familiar scent blew over my nose, accompanied by the scent of dragon blood. All thoughts of laying down were thrown out to window as I spun around, only to find a black dragon passed out on the snow, a female Kymari standing right next to her.

My vision turned a red as dark as the blood on the snow as a guttural roar ripped through my lungs, my mind finally registering the  scene that I was witnessing. 

Sasha wasn't just passed out. The snow she was laying on was stained with her own blood.

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