Chapter 30

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{Lucas POV}

A roar shook the air as I circled back around, a growl seeping from behind my own clenched teeth.

I landed on the side of the mountain, only five hundred feet from where I started. The only dragon in the vicinity was Sherlock, about thirty feet below my position and fifty feet from the cliff. I was behind her, stuck on the side like an oversized lizard-which I was. 

A column of black smoke rose into the sky, a stench like wet play-dough and arsenic burning my nostrils. A thing was roaring and huffing like an enraged bull, loud enough to reach the entire valley, and lobbing chunks of metal like oversized Legos. 

Sasha flew through the sky, her inky black scales weaving through the debris turned artillery shells. A chunk the size of a hummer flew directly at her and my stomach dropped, my heart going cold and tightening in my body. 

As soon as it was close enough so that I was about to intervene, she turned to the left, the metal only a foot from her head. I released the breath I was holding, a wave of relief washing through my heart. 

She wasn't exactly the safest flyer, and half the time I was worried to death that she would ram into the side of the mountain, or run over a flock of birds, or get hit by a spaceship. She never seemed to realize that most of the time, while she was doing aerial tricks, I was watching from the sidelines, trying not to have a heart attack. She never seemed to run into anything, though. 

I was on the mountain, right behind her; I was in her blind spot. Another roar echoed through the mountain range and I tensed, about to jump off and fly. However, as soon as I spread my wings, I heard a stone fall behind me. 

The wind wasn't blowing, the Kymari were long gone, and no animal could climb this far up the mountain. There was something behind me, and it wasn't a dragon. 

I leapt off the cliff and spun around just in time to see the spot where my head was turn to dust-crushed beneath that thing's claws. 

I hissed, a bolt of liquid ice hitting the thing as I backed up, finally getting a good look at my attacker. 

It was more disgusting than I expected.

The thing was about my size, though it somehow was able to loom over me. This was mostly because of the gigantic hump on it's back, rising nearly four feet above it's head and impeding any sort of neck movement. It's skin was a translucent white, doing very little to hide what was underneath. Black tendrils wriggled in it's body, dark fluid dripping from every orifice.

It's mouth was open, the jaw hanging down and revealing the black teeth inside. It's tongue was a sickly white and covered in a blackish-brown fluid, something that I would later discover was it's own blood. It's red eyes glared balefully at me, filled with hate and fury. 

The hump on it's back now had a large chunk of ice stuck to it, the skin turning grey and flaky, like ash. It roared up at me, overlapping with another roar coming from the city. I glanced back, just in time to see Sasha dive down to the city, towards the thing underneath the smoke. 

From what I could make out from the haze, it seemed to be a carbon copy of the thing in front of me, though a bit smaller. From what I could see, she seemed to be a bit large than the thing, and from what I could see, it would be quite a bit slower than her. 

If she played her cards right she would be fine, so I turned back to the thing in front of me. That was my first mistake, however, I wouldn't find that out till later. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. 

It's back legs were small and way too small to be supporting it's upper body, but it's arms were huge. They were as thick as tree trunks, and rippled with muscle. Because of this, its posture was much like a gorilla, but with less support for it's hips. And as it gripped the side of the mountain, I could see it dig into the rock to keep balance.

The wind began to blow, and a smell wafted over to my nose, making me hiss with fury. It smelled much like what I would imagine a radioactive snakeskin would, and for some reason it pissed me off.

Actually, instead of saying that it pissed me off, it would be better to say that it infuriated me, to the point of no return. 

My vision went red as a wave of pure fury shot through my veins. I couldn't seem to control my actions; and the only thing propelling me forward was the new seed of hate in my heart. My mind was shoved to the side and my instincts took over, pure anger and wrath stealing my body from me. 

At the time, I had no idea what was going on, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. For the first time in my life up to that point, I had an urge for murder in cold blood. I had never just wanted to kill something with no provocation - just pure anger and hate - in my life. It caught me off-guard, and at that moment, I couldn't control myself. I could and would kill that thing; even if I went down in the process.



I'm sorry to say that the updates will most likely slow down for a while. My mom is in the hospital and I don't know when she'll get out. As I write this I'm sitting in the waiting room of the emergency room with my mom down the hall. 

I'll probably still update occasionally, but just know that the new chapters will most likely be few and far between. I hope you will be understanding and patient with this story, because I don't know what I'll do otherwise. 

I hope you have a great day]

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