An Announcement

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Hi >.>

Tis I, the author of this wonderful piece of fanfiction, PirateQueen7621. I came here today to make an announcement, hence the name of the chapter.

To all of the people who have already gone through this book, are currently reading the chapters I have released, or who are going to read this in the future, I want to say thank you and apologise.

For the past few months there have been little to no updates on this story, with everything from writer's block to glitches getting in the way of me continuing this story. I want to thank those who kept interest in this story and who have been reading this from the very beginning, as well as those who have joined for the ride since this story has been released.

I want to apologise because there will be no updates on Freezing Wings for a long while. I will not be dropping this story - I will just not be releasing the chapters I create. I plan to write the story before I publish it, and as such will not release new chapters for you all to enjoy for the time being. I am not dropping this, I'm just ensuring that a long hiatus without any news from the author - like how it has been for the last three months - does not happen again.

I promise that once I am finished with this story that I will release the rest of the book, but for now there will be no new updates.

If you don't want to drop this story even after this announcement I suggest that you archive this story or put it into a reading list so you don't lose it in your library.

Thank you for reading and I hope that you have a great day :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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