Chapter 37

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I opened my mouth to tell Lucas to eat when he spoke, his voice slightly hoarse and deeper than normal from sleep. "Why didn't you eat something?"

My eyebrows stitched together as I looked at him, "Because, regular copper isn't going to help with a broken wing, and you're more hurt than me. Plus, I'm not really hungry."

His eyebrow shot up as he looked me up and down, pointedly staring at the bandages that covered my entire upper body. "You're not a very good liar, Sherlock. Your wings are just as shot as mine, and I heard your stomach growling earlier." 

"You were awake for that...?"

He smiled, overly bright for someone who had just woken up, "Yes, yes I was. You need to eat just as much as me, your injuries aren't light either. It would be better if we shared it than for me to eat it all. And, you sound pretty hungry."

I sat down, dragging the bowl of water over with my tail. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not hungry, and my stomach has never growled in my life."

At that moment, my body chose to let out a roar of hunger, like that of a slaughtered pig underwater. Lucas looked over at me, a smug look on his face.

"It was the wind."

"The wind doesn't sound like that."

"It does today."

He snorted, picking up a slab of beef and throwing it in his mouth, chewing on the tough steak. I gauged his reaction closely, just in case there was something extra in the food. We were dealing with unknowns after all, being cautious wouldn't hurt. 

After a long while he swallowed, licking the blood off his lips, "Kinda stringy, but so far seems okay."

I nodded, picking up my own piece and eating . He was right, it was stringy, but the taste was fine. 

In less than fifteen minutes of eating, there were two fat dragons and an empty metal bowl that was put away as a snack for later. Both me and Lucas were full, lying half asleep in the dark. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the night, but it was still dark. 

If I was still human, it would have been pitch black to my eyes, even with the moon. However, I am not, and I could easily see the both of us, though we blended in with our surroundings very well. When I looked down at myself, I looked like The Void in the shape of a dragon, practically invisible against the dark. Lucas looked like an ice statue, and if we were out of this pen, would have blended perfectly into the tundra, practically invisible. 

There was a long silence, and I was about to drift off to sleep when Lucas suddenly sat up, his eyes boring into the back of my head. I, of course, craned my neck so that I could see him, my body curving backwards in a C shape. 

"What is it?"

"I'm bored and I can't sleep." 

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." 

I sat up as well, wide awake now. "Chess or checkers?"

He thought for a moment before speaking, "How good are you at poker?"

"Not a bad idea, but I haven't played in years and I honestly don't feel like going through the trouble of carving out every single card. Plus, we don't have anything to gamble with."

His face took a strange tint, a weird look in his eyes "Yes we do."

I tilted my head, completely oblivious, "Such as?"

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