Chapter 8

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[This is only one-fourth of a chapter since the original draft was a bit too long for my liking and I just wanted to be evil, so just know that I will release the other three parts over the next few days.]

[This chapter is about as dark as the last one, but I promise that the next will be better >.> Pinkie Promise]


I fell into a restless sleep, and I didn't dream. When I woke up there was a bowl of meat in front of me, but I couldn't bring myself to eat. My stomach turned at the thought of consuming anything, and after one bite I could barely keep it down. 

I just stayed in my corner, hiding from the dragons around me. 

My days began to blur together even more than before, and the only thing marking the passage of time was the regular disappearance and reappearance of Lucas. 

When he was here he always tried to talk to me, but I couldn't seem to focus on him. I passed my time by staring off into space, not thinking about anything coherent, even to myself.

I wasn't eating, and eventually, the hunger went away. Thankfully, my body was able to accept water, but the thought of actually eating solid food was sickening for me. 

I periodically had scientists come and tap on the glass of my cage to try to get my attention, but I barely noted their existence. Even when they opened up my cage to let me out I didn't move, I just didn't want to be bothered with it.

Days passed, then weeks, and then months. I eventually began losing weight, I couldn't work up an appetite. I was surviving completely off of water and will, and that was fading fast. 

It got so bad that at one point I didn't move for six days from my spot. I just couldn't work up the wherewithal to stand up. The scientists eventually had to open up the cage and get me on a scaled-up version of an IV, just so I wouldn't starve myself to death and they wouldn't lose a test subject. 

It was bad.

Looking back on it, I honestly don't know how I survived that long. Even with the IV, I should have been dead from starvation long before then. I was only consuming water and the occasional bite to eat. Even as a human, I would have starved after two weeks, yet I survived for months.

This went on for three full months, and I just kept getting worse, my body breaking down alongside my will, and quite a bit of my mind. 

It wasn't until I was about to die that I returned to reality.

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