The Ballroom

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   The doors shut surprisingly quickly behind her. Talila subconsciously tugged the edges of her hood down, further hiding her face.
   "Welcome," a kind voice called out to her.
   She looked over to the one who had spoken.
A young woman with mismatch eyes and a crooked grin looked back at her. The woman wore a simple yet elegant white, floor-length dress with silver embroidery near the bottom of it. Her silky black hair was partially pulled up in a collection of intricate braids that contrasted nicely with the simplicity of her outfit.
"So glad you could join us," the white-clad woman said, her heterochromatic eyes looking over the young elven girl's appearance, all the while keeping a slightly lopsided smile.
Talila felt uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze. Something about the strange woman made her feel on edge.
"Everyone else is already in the ballroom. Would you like me to show you the way?"
Still wary and a bit stunned, Talila opted to nod rather than trying to speak.
The lady's grin widened as she turned and led onwards, further into the castle.
Talila followed her. To anyone who might have looked at the odd pair, Talila may have reminded them of the shadow that comes from a star. She followed quietly, sweeping down the halls with usual elven grace.
The duo eventually reached a grand set of gilded doors, covered in carved images of beautiful flowering plants.
"We hope you enjoy the party," the woman said with her unsettling smile as the doors soundlessly swept open.

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