The Plan

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'Excellent!' Dovris replied.
'Now you just need to find a way out...'
   'Working on it. If you can wait by the castle, I'll find something,' she said, weaving through the crowd and searching for exits.
   She decided against going out the way she came in to avoid questions. There were windows that overlooked the forest below, but that would call too much unwanted attention.
   After a few more minutes, Talila started thinking about secret passageways. She was sure she remembered seeing some when the castle ruins were still ruins. The only problem was remembering where they were and where they led.
   Talila closed her eyes and envisioned the old ruins, trying to recall where she'd seen passages that seemed out of place. After a moment, she turned towards a wall with many tapestries on it.
She walked up to one that depicted a strange deity watching over a group of people. Oddly fitting, if Talila was right about what it hid.
   She searched around the tapestry until she found the part of the wall that served as the 'handle' and pushed it in.
   The tapestry fluttered in what seemed like a phantom breeze to anyone who didn't know about the passage. Talila slipped quietly behind it with the grey-eyed woman right behind her.
   Once the two were in, the door slid silently shut behind them. It seemed as though nobody had noticed their escape.
   'We're on our way out,' Talila thought out to Dovris.
   'I'll be waiting for you when you get out,' Dovris responded, and the two women continued through the inner workings of the castle.

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